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《圣爱与圣智》 第360节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #360 (Dole (2003))

360. Since the Lord is divine love and wisdom, then, and these two are he himself in essence, if he is to live within us and give us life he must have created and formed his own vessels and dwellings within us, one for love and one for wisdom. These vessels and dwellings within us are called volition and discernment, volition being the vessel and dwelling of love, and discernment being the vessel and dwelling of wisdom.

We will see below that these two belong to the Lord within us and that these two are the source of all our life.

Divine Love and Wisdom #360 (Rogers (1999))

360. Now because the Lord is Divine love and Divine wisdom, and these two in essence are Him, it must needs be, for Him to dwell in mankind and give mankind life, that He have created and fashioned in mankind recipient vessels and abodes for Himself, one for His love, and the other for His wisdom.

These recipient vessels and abodes in mankind are called will and intellect - the recipient vessel and abode of love being called the will, and the recipient vessel and abode of wisdom the intellect.

We shall see in subsequent discussions that these two are the Lord's in a person, and that from these two springs all a person's life.

Divine Love and Wisdom #360 (Harley and Harley (1969))

360. Now, because the Lord is Divine Love and Wisdom, and these two essentially are Himself, it is necessary, in order that He may abide in man and give life to him, that He should create and form in him receptacles and dwellings of His own, one for love and the other for wisdom. These receptacles and dwellings in man are called the will and understanding; the receptacle and dwelling of love, the will; and the receptacle and dwelling of wisdom, the understanding. That these two are the Lord's in man and that from these two man has all his life, will be seen in what follows.

Divine Love and Wisdom #360 (Ager (1890))

360. Now because the Lord is Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, and these two essentially are Himself, it is necessary, in order that He may abide in man and give life to man, that He should create and form in man receptacles and abodes for Himself; the one for love and the other for wisdom. These receptacles and abodes in man are called will and understanding; the receptacle and abode of love is called the will, and the receptacle and abode of wisdom is called the understanding. That these two are the Lord's in man, and that from these two man has all his life, will be seen in what follows.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #360 (original Latin,1763)

360. Nunc quia Dominus est Divinus Amor et Divina Sapientia, et haec duo essentialiter sunt Ipse, ut habitet in homine, et homini det vitam, necessum est, ut in homine creaverit et formaverit receptacula et habitacula Sui, 1 unum pro Amore, et alterum pro Sapientia. Haec receptacula et habitacula apud hominem vocantur Voluntas et Intellectus, receptaculum et habitaculum Amoris Voluntas, ac receptaculum et habitaculum Sapientiae Intellectus. Quod haec duo sint Domini apud hominem, et quod ex illis duobus sit omnis vita homini, videbitur in sequentibus.


1. Prima editio: sui,

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