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《圣爱与圣智》 第364节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #364 (Dole (2003))

364. Everyone sees that discernment is the vessel of wisdom, but not many see that volition is the vessel of love. This is because our volition does nothing by itself, but acts through our discernment. It first branches off into a desire and vanishes in doing so, and a desire is noticeable only through a kind of unconscious pleasure in thinking, talking, and acting. We can still see that love is the source because we all intend what we love and do not intend what we do not love.

Divine Love and Wisdom #364 (Rogers (1999))

364. Everyone sees that the intellect is the recipient vessel of wisdom, but few see that the will is the recipient vessel of love. The reason is that the will does nothing by itself, but acts through the intellect. Moreover, when the will's love crosses over into the wisdom of the intellect, it turns first into an affection and so crosses over, and an affection is not perceived except in consequence of a certain pleasure in thinking, speaking and acting, to which no attention is paid. Nevertheless, that the will is the origin is apparent from the fact that everyone wills what he loves, and does not will what he does not love.

Divine Love and Wisdom #364 (Harley and Harley (1969))

364. Everyone sees that the understanding is the receptacle of wisdom, but few see that the will is the receptacle of love. The explanation is that the will does nothing by itself, but acts by means of the understanding; also that, when the love of the will passes into the wisdom of the understanding, it first of all goes into affection, and in this way passes through; and affection is only perceived as something pleasant in thinking, speaking, and doing, to which no attention is given. Still it is evident that love is from the will, for the reason that everyone wills what he loves, and does not will what he does not love.

Divine Love and Wisdom #364 (Ager (1890))

364. Everyone sees that the understanding is the receptacle of wisdom, but few see that the will is the receptacle of love. This is because the will does not act at all by itself, but only through the understanding; also because the love of the will, in passing over into the wisdom of the understanding, is first changed into affection, and thus passes over; and affection is not perceived except by something pleasant in thinking, speaking, and acting, which is not noticed. Still it is evident that love is from the will, for the reason that everyone wills what he loves, and does not will what he does not love.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #364 (original Latin,1763)

364. Quod Intellectus sit receptaculum sapientiae, quisque videt, at quod voluntas sit receptaculum amoris, pauci vident; causa est, quia voluntas nihil agit ex se, sed agit per intellectum; tum quia cum amor voluntatis transit in sapientiam intellectus, primum abit in af-fectionem, et sic transit, et affectio non percipitur nisi per aliquod volupe cogitandi, loquendi et faciendi, ad quod non attenditur: quod 1 tamen inde sit, patet ex eo, 2 quod quisque velit quod amat, et quod non velit quod non amat.


1. Prima editio: qnod

2. Prima editio: eo.

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