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《圣爱与圣智》 第365节











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Divine Love and Wisdom #365 (Dole (2003))

365, 2. Our life is found in its primary forms in our brains and in secondary forms in our bodies. "In its primary forms" means in its beginnings, and "in secondary forms" means in the things that are produced and formed from these beginnings. "Life in its primary forms" means volition and discernment. It is these two functions that occur in their primary forms in our brains and in their derivative forms in our bodies.

We can tell that the primary forms or beginnings are in the brain for a number of reasons. (a) Simply from the feeling we have when we are focusing our minds and thinking, our sense that we are thinking with our brain. We turn our sight inward, so to speak, and furrow the brow with a sense that this concentration is happening inside, especially behind the forehead and a little above it. (b) From the way we are formed in the womb, where the brain or head is formed first and remains larger than the body for some time. (c) The head is above and the body below, and the orderly arrangement is for the higher to activate the lower and not the other way around. (d) If the brains are damaged in the womb by some wound, by disease, or by lack of concentration, thinking becomes uncertain, and sometimes the mind becomes deranged. (e) All the outer senses of the body--sight, hearing, smell, taste, and the all-inclusive sense of touch--as well as speech, are in the front part of the head called the face; and they are in direct touch with the brain through fibers and get their active and sensitive life from it. (f) This is why we can see people's feelings of love in a kind of image in their face and their thoughts of wisdom in a kind of light in their eyes. (g) Anatomy informs us that all the fibers go down from the brains through the neck into the body, and that none go up from the body through the neck into the brain. Where the fibers have their primary forms and beginnings is where life is in its primary forms and beginnings. Can anyone maintain a denial that the origin of life is where the fibers originate? (h) Ask anyone with common sense where thinking happens, or where one thinks, and the answer you will get is "In one's head." But then ask someone who has located the seat of the soul in some little gland or in the heart or somewhere else where desire and its consequent thought begin, whether it is in the brain, and the answer you will get is either "No" or "I don't know." You may find the reason for this uncertainty in 361 above.

Divine Love and Wisdom #365 (Rogers (1999))

365. (2) A person's life exists in its first elements in the brain, and in its derivative elements in the body. By first elements we mean its first forms, and by derivative elements we mean the forms produced and formed from the first ones. And by life in its first elements we mean the will and intellect. These two are what exist in their first elements in the brain, and in their derivative elements in the body.

That the first elements or first forms of life exist in the brain is apparent from the following:

1. It is apparent from a person's very sensation that when he concentrates his mind and thinks, he perceives himself to be thinking in the brain. He draws the sight of his eye seemingly inward, firmly fixes his brow, and perceives his contemplation as being within, especially inside the forehead, and somewhat above.

2. It is apparent from a person's formation in the womb, from the fact that the brain or head develops first, and for some time afterward is bigger than the body.

3. It is apparent from the fact that the head is uppermost and the body below, it being according to order that higher things act upon lower ones, and not the reverse.

4. It is apparent from the fact that if the brain is injured, whether in the womb, or by a wound or disease, or owing to excessive strain, the person's thinking is impaired, and sometimes the mind is deranged.

5. It is apparent from the fact that all the external senses of the body, which are those of sight, hearing, smell, and taste, together with the universal sense which is that of touch, and moreover speech, are located in the front part of the head, called the face, and through fibers communicate directly with the brain, from which they derive their sensory and operative life.

6. So it is that affections which have to do with love are visible in a kind of image in the face, and that thoughts which have to do with wisdom are visible in a kind of light in the eyes.

7. We also know from the study of anatomy that all fibers descend from the brain through the neck into the body, and that none ascend from the body through the neck into the brain. And where the fibers exist in their first elements or first forms, there life exists in its first elements or first forms. Who can deny that life originates where the fibers originate?

8. Ask anyone who has common perception where thought exists, or where he thinks, and he will reply, in the head. But speak after that to someone who has placed the seat of the soul either in some gland or in the heart, or elsewhere, and ask him where affection with its consequent thought exists in its first form, whether it does not exist in the brain, and he will reply that it does not, or that he does not know. (To learn the reason for his not knowing, see no. 361 above.)

Divine Love and Wisdom #365 (Harley and Harley (1969))

365. (ii) The life of man in its beginnings is in the brains and in its derivatives in the body. In beginnings means in its first things, and in derivatives means in what is brought forth and formed from first things; and by life in beginnings is meant will and understanding. These two are what are in their beginnings in the brains, and in their derivatives in the body. It is evident that beginnings or first things of life are in the brains:

(1) From feeling itself; since, when a man exerts his mind to think, he perceives that he thinks in the brain. He draws in, as it were, the sight of the eye, and knits his brows, and feels that the investigation is within, mostly in the forehead and somewhat above it.

(2) From the formation of man in the womb; since the brain or head comes first and for quite a long time continues larger than the body.

(3) Since the head is above and the body below; and it is according to order that the higher acts upon the lower, and not the reverse.

(4) Since, with the brain injured, either in the womb, or by a wound, or by disease, or by excessive strain, thought is impaired, and sometimes the mind becomes deranged.

(5) Since all the body's outward senses, namely, sight, hearing, smell and taste, together with the general sense of touch, and even speech, are in the front part of the head, which is called the face, and communicate immediately by means of fibres with the brains, and derive from them their sensitive and active life.

(6) Hence it is that affections which are of love are portrayed in the face, and thoughts which are of wisdom are reflected in the eyes.

(7) Anatomy also teaches that all fibres descend from the brains through the neck into the body and that none ascend from the body through the neck into the brains. And where the fibres are in their beginnings and first things, there life is in its beginnings and first things. Who dares to deny that life has its origin where the fibres have their origin?

(8) Ask anyone of common perception "Where is thought?" or "Where do you think?" and he will reply, "In the head." Then ask someone who has assigned the seat of the soul to a particular gland or to the heart, or elsewhere, "Where are affection and its thought in their first beginning? Are they not in the brain?" and he will answer, "No," or that he does not know. The reason for this ignorance you may see above (361).

Divine Love and Wisdom #365 (Ager (1890))

365. (2) The life of man in its first principles is in the brains, and in its derivatives in the body. In first principles means in its firsts, and in derivatives means in what is brought forth and formed from its firsts. By life in first principles is meant will and understanding. These two are what are in their first principles in the brains, and in their derivatives in the body. It is evident that the first principles or firsts of life are in the brains:

(1) From the feeling itself; since man perceives, when he exerts his mind and thinks, that he thinks in the brain. He draws in as it were the sight of the eye, contracts the forehead, and perceives the mental process to be within, especially inside the forehead and somewhat above it.

(2) From man's formation in the womb; in that the brain or head is first developed, and continues for some time larger than the body.

(3) In that the head is above and the body below; and it is according to order for the higher to act upon the lower, and not the reverse.

(4) In that, when the brain is injured in the womb or by a wound or by disease, or by excessive application, thought is weakened and sometimes the mind becomes deranged.

(5) In that all the external senses of the body sight, hearing, smell, and taste, with touch (the universal sense) as also speech, are in the front part of the head, which is called the face, and communicate immediately through fibers with the brains, and derive therefrom their sensitive and active life.

(6) It is from this that affections, which are of love, appear imaged forth in the face, and that thoughts, which are of wisdom, are revealed in a kind of sparkle of the eyes.

(7) Anatomy teaches that all fibers descend from the brains through the neck into the body, and that none ascend from the body through the neck into the brains. And where the fibers are in their first principles or firsts, there life is in its first principles or firsts. Will any one venture to deny that life has its origin where the fibers have their origin?

(8) Ask any one of common perception where his thought resides or where he thinks, and he will say, In the head. Then appeal to some one who has assigned the seat of the soul to some gland or to the heart or somewhere else, and ask him where affection and thought therefrom are in their firsts, whether they are not in the brain? and he will answer, No, or that he does not know. The cause of this ignorance may be seen above (n. 361).

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #365 (original Latin,1763)

365. II. Quod vita hominis in principiis sit in Cerebris, et in principiatis in Corpore: in principiis est in primis suis, et in principiatis est in productis et formatis a primis; et per vitam in principiis intelligitur voluntas et intellectus. Haec bina sunt, quae in Cerebris in suis principiis sunt, et in Corpore in suis principiatis. Quod principia seu prima vitae sint in Cerebris, constat 1. 1 ex ipso sensu, quod dum homo intendit mentem et cogitat, percipiat se in Cerebro cogitare; intrahit sicut visum oculi, ac frontem tenet intensam, et percipit quod intus sit speculatio, maxime intra frontem, et aliquid superius. [2] 2 . Ex formatione hominis in utero; quod Cerebrum seu caput sit primum, et quod illud diu postea grandius sit corpore. [3] 3. Quod caput sit supra, et corpus infra; et secundum ordinem est, ut superiora agant in inferiora, et non vicissim. [4] 4. 2 Quod laeso cerebro vel in utero, vel ex vulnere, vel ex morbo, vel ex nimia intensione, cogitatio labefactetur, et quandoque mens deliret. [5] 5. Quod omnes sensus externi corporis, qui sunt visus, auditus, olfactus, gustus, una cum sensu universali qui est tactus, tum etiam loquela, sint in anteriore parte capitis, quae vocatur facies, ac immediate per fibras cum cerebris communicent ac vitam suam sensitivam et activam inde trahant. [6] 6. Inde est, quod affectiones quae sunt amoris in quadam effigie appareant in facie, et quod cogitationes quae sunt sapientiae, in quadam luce in oculis. [7] 7. Ex anatome etiam scitur, quod omnes fibrae e cerebris per cervicem in corpus descendant, et non aliquae e corpore per cervicem in cerebra ascendant: et ubi fibrae in suis principiis ac primis sunt, ibi est vita in suis principiis ac primis: quis sustinet negare, quin origo vitae sit, ubi origo fibrarum. [8] 8. Dic alicui qui in perceptione communi est, ubinam est cogitatio, aut ubinam cogitat, 3 et respondebit, quod in capite: at dic postea alicui, qui assignavit animae sedem vel in quadam glandula, vel in corde, vel alibi, ubinam affectio et inde cogitatio in suo primo, annon in Cerebro, et respondebit quod non, vel quod non sciat; causam hujus inscitiae videas supra 361.


1. Prima editio: 1 (absque interpuncto)

2. Prima editio: . 4.

3. Prima editio: cogitas,

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