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《圣爱与圣智》 第420节







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Divine Love and Wisdom #420 (Dole (2003))

420. There is an image of the same process in the lungs. Its arteries and veins answer to desires proper to love, and its respiratory motions answer to perceptions and thoughts proper to discernment, as already noted [405, 412].

There is ample experience to support the proposition that the heart's blood is purified in the lungs from what it has not digested and that it nourishes itself there with appropriate elements from the air that is drawn in. As for the blood being purified in the lungs from what it has not digested, this we can tell not only from the inflowing blood, which is venous and therefore full of chyle gathered from what we have eaten and drunk, but also from the moist breath we exhale and the odors others can smell. We can also tell from the fact that the blood that flows back into the left ventricle of the heart is diminished in volume.

As for the fact that the blood nourishes itself with appropriate elements drawn from the air, this we can tell from the immense variety of fragrances that are constantly given off by shrubs, flowers, and trees as well as from the immense variety of different kinds of salts and liquids from soils, rivers, and lakes. There is also the immense variety of gaseous emanations that both we and animals give off--the air is full of them. Undeniably, these enter our lungs with our indrawn breaths, so it is also undeniable that our blood absorbs elements that are good for it. The elements that are good for it are the ones that answer to the desires of our love. This is why in the tiny sacs at the center of our lungs there are so many little veins with minute pores that take these substances in. This is why the blood that flows back into the left ventricle of the heart is changed into arterial blood and is brilliant. All this shows that the blood is purifying itself from unsuitable elements and nourishing itself with suitable ones.

Until now, it has not been recognized that the blood purifies and nourishes itself in the lungs in a way that answers to the desires of our own nature, but this is common knowledge in the spiritual world. Angels in the heavens take pleasure only in odors that answer to the love of their wisdom. Spirits in hell, on the other hand, find pleasure only in odors that answer to a love that rejects wisdom. These are foul odors, while the others are fragrant.

It follows that we in this world are saturating our blood with similar elements depending on how those elements answer to the desires of our love. Whatever our spirit loves, our blood seeks out in response, and our breathing draws in.

It flows naturally from this correspondence that we are purified in our love if we love wisdom, and are defiled if we do not love it. All our purification happens by means of truths that constitute wisdom, and all our defilement happens by means of false beliefs that reject the truths of wisdom.

Divine Love and Wisdom #420 (Rogers (1999))

420. The like is imaged in the lungs, whose arteries and veins correspond to the affections belonging to love, and whose respiratory processes correspond to the perceptions and thoughts belonging to the intellect, as we said above.

It is clear from a good deal of empirical observation that the heart's blood purifies itself of unassimilated elements in the lungs, and that it also nourishes itself with beneficial elements from the air inhaled.

That the blood purifies itself of unassimilated elements in the lungs is clear not only from the nature of the blood flowing in, which is venous and therefore filled with chyle extracted from ingested foodstuffs and alcoholic spirits, but also from the moisture of their exhalations and the perceptible odor of those foodstuffs and spirits to the nostrils of others, and likewise from the diminished amount of blood flowing back [through the left atrium] into the left ventricle of the heart.

[2] That the blood nourishes itself with beneficial elements from the air inhaled is clear from the immense amount of odors and exhalations continually emanating from fields, gardens and woodlands; from the immense amount of various kinds of salts contained in the moisture evaporating from the ground, streams and ponds; and from the immense amount of exhalations and effluvia arising from people and animals, with which the air is permeated. It cannot be denied that these elements flow into the lungs with the inhaled air, and because this cannot be denied, neither can it be denied that the blood draws from them such elements as are beneficial to it; and those elements are beneficial to it which correspond to the affections of its love.

We accordingly find in the tiny sacs or inmost constituents of the lungs an abundance of capillaries with orifices that absorb such elements. We find, too, that the blood flowing back [through the left atrium] into the left ventricle of the heart has been transformed into arterial blood and become brighter.

These observations confirm that the blood purifies itself of heterogeneous elements in the lungs, and that it nourishes itself with homogeneous ones.

[3] The fact that the blood purifies and nourishes itself in the lungs in a manner corresponding to that of the affections of the mind is as yet unknown, but it is well known in the spiritual world. For the angels who dwell in the heavens take delight only in odors that correspond to their love of wisdom, whereas spirits in hell take delight only in odors that correspond to love opposed to wisdom. The latter odors are stenches, while the former are fragrances.

It follows therefore that people in the world permeate their blood with similar elements according to the correspondence of these with the affections of their love. For what a person's spirit loves, the blood correspondingly hungers for and by the process of respiration takes in.

It flows from this correspondence that a person is purified in respect to his love if he loves wisdom, and that he becomes polluted if he does not love it.

A person's purification is accomplished, moreover, wholly through truths that are matters of wisdom. And a person's pollution is brought about wholly through falsities that are opposed to truths of wisdom.

Divine Love and Wisdom #420 (Harley and Harley (1969))

420. A similar thing is portrayed in the lungs, whose arteries and veins correspond to the love's affections, and whose respirations correspond to the understanding's perceptions and thoughts, as has been said above. That the heart's blood is purified from disorderly matters in the lungs and is nourished with the beneficial properties of the air inhaled, is evident from much observation. That the blood is purified of disorderly matters in the lungs, is evident not only from the inflowing blood which is venous, and therefore filled with the chyle collected from food and drink, but also from the expirations which are moist, and from their odour, as perceived by others, as well as from the diminished quantity of blood flowing back into the left ventricle of the heart. That the blood is nourished with the beneficial matters of the air inhaled, is evident from the immense volumes of odours and exhalations continually flowing forth from meadows, gardens and woods; and from the copious supplies of various kinds of salts dissolved in the waters rising out of the earth, and from rivers and ponds; and from the vast quantities of exhalations and effluvia from human beings and animals, with which the air is laden. That these things flow into the lungs with the indrawn air is not to be denied, nor can it be denied that the blood draws therefrom such things as are beneficial to it; and such things are beneficial as correspond to the affections of its love. Hence it is that there are in the air-cells, or inmost of the lungs, small veins with little mouths, which absorb such things; thereupon the blood flowing back into the left ventricle of the heart is changed into arterial blood and is in good condition. These facts prove that the blood purifies itself from heterogeneous things and nourishes itself with homogeneous things. That the blood in the lungs purifies and nourishes itself correspondently to the affections of the mind is as yet unknown, but is very well known in the spiritual world; for angels in the heavens enjoy only those odours that correspond to the love of their wisdom, but spirits in hell enjoy only those odours that correspond to the love opposed to wisdom; these odours are stenches, but the former are perfumes. It follows from this that men in the world impregnate their blood with similar things according to the correspondence with their love's affections; for what man's spirit loves, the blood in accordance with the correspondence craves, and attracts by respiration. From this correspondence it comes that man is purified in respect of his love if he loves wisdom, and is defiled if he does not love it. Moreover, all purification of man is effected by truths of wisdom, and all defilement by falsities opposed to the truths of wisdom.

Divine Love and Wisdom #420 (Ager (1890))

420. The same thing is imaged in the lungs, whose arteries and veins correspond to the affections of love, and whose respirations correspond to the perceptions and thoughts of the understanding, as has been said above. That the heart's blood is purified of undigested matters in the lungs, and nourishes itself with suitable food from the inhaled air, is evident from much observation. (1) That the blood is purified of undigested matter in the lungs, is evident not only from the influent blood, which is venous, and therefore filled with the chyle collected from food and drink, but also from the moisture of the outgoing breath and from its odor as perceived by others, as well as from the diminished quantity of the blood flowing back into the left ventricle of the heart. (2) That the blood nourishes itself with suitable food from the inhaled air is evident from the immense volumes of odors and exhalations continually flowing forth from fields, gardens, and woods; from the immense supply of salts of various kinds in the water that rises from the ground and from rivers and ponds, and from the immense quantity of exhalations and effluvia from human beings and animals with which the air is impregnated. That these things flow into the lungs with the inhaled air is undeniable: it is therefore undeniable also that from them the blood draws such things as are useful to it; and such things are useful as correspond to the affections of its love. For this reason there are, in the vesicles or innermost recesses of the lungs, little veins in great abundance with tiny mouths that absorb these suitable matters; consequently, the blood that flows back into the left ventricle of the heart is changed into arterial blood of brilliant hue. These facts prove that the blood purifies itself of heterogeneous things and nourishes itself with homogeneous things. That the blood in the lungs purifies and nourishes itself correspondently to the affections of the mind is as yet unknown; but in the spiritual world it is very well known, for angels in the heavens find delight only in the odors that correspond to the love of their wisdom, while the spirits in hell find delight only in the odors that correspond to a love opposed to wisdom; these are foul odors, but the former are fragrant. It follows that men in the world impregnate their blood with similar things according to correspondence with the affections of their love; for what the spirit of a man loves, his blood according to correspondence craves and by respiration attracts. From this correspondence it results that man as regards his love is purified if he loves wisdom, and is defiled if he does not love it. Moreover, all purification of man is effected by means of the truths of wisdom, and all pollution of man is effected by means of falsities that are opposite to the truths of wisdom.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #420 (original Latin,1763)

420. Simile effigiatur in Pulmone, cujus arteriae et venae correspondent affectionibus quae sunt amoris, et cujus respirationes correspondent perceptionibus et cogitationibus quae sunt intellectus, ut supra dictum est. Quod sanguis cordis in pulmone se purificet ab indigestis, et quod ex aere attracto se etiam nutriat conducibilibus, ex multa experientia constat; quod sanguis se purificet ab indigestis in pulmone, constat non solum ex sanguine influente, qui est venosus, et inde oppletus chylo collecto ab esculentis et vinosis, sed etiam ab exspirationibus quae humidae sunt, et ab illis perceptis odore narium ab aliis, ut et ex sanguinis refluentis in ventriculum cordis sinistrum diminuta copia.

[2] Quod sanguis ex aere attracto se nutriat conducibilibus, constat ex immensa copia odorum et halituum ex viretis, floretis et arboretis continue effluentium; exque 1 immensa copia salium varii generis una cum aquis e terris, fluviis et stagnis; exque immensa copia halituum et effluviorum ex hominibus et animalibus, ex quibus aer impraegnatur; quod haec in pulmonem cum attracto aere influant, non potest negari, et quia hoc non potest negari, nec potest quin sanguis attrahat talia inde quae ei conducunt, et talia conducunt, quae affectionibus amoris ejus correspondent: inde est quod in vesiculis seu intimis pulmonis sint in multa copia venulae cum osculis, quae talia insorbent; tum quod sanguis refluens in ventriculum cordis sinistrum mutatus sit in arteriosum, ac niteat: haec confirmant, quod sanguis se purificet ab heterogeneis [in pulmone], et quod se nutriat ab homogeneis.

[3] Quod sanguis in Pulmone se purificet et nutriat correspondenter affectionibus animi, hoc nondum notum est, sed est notissimum in Mundo spirituali: Angeli enim qui in Coelis sunt, unice delectantur odoribus, qui correspondent amori sapientiae illorum; at spiritus in inferno unice delectantur odoribus qui correspondent amori opposito sapientiae; hi odores sunt putores, illi autem odores sunt fragrantiae. Quod homines in mundo impraegnent sanguinem suum similibus secundum correspondentiam cum affectionibus amoris eorum, inde sequitur, quod enim spiritus hominis amat, hoc sanguis secundum correspondentiam appetit, ac respiratione attrahit. Ex hac correspondentia fluit, quod homo quoad amorem suum purificetur, si amat sapientiam, et quod conspurcetur si non amat illam: omnis etiam purificatio hominis fit per vera quae sunt sapientiae, et omnis conspurcatio hominis fit per falsa opposita veris sapientiae.


1. Prima editio: ex que

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