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《圣爱与圣智》 第421节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #421 (Dole (2003))

421, 17. Love or volition is polluted in and by our discernment if they are not raised up together. This is because if the love is not raised up it remains impure, as noted in 419, 420 above. When it remains impure, it loves what is impure. It loves things like vengefulness, hatred, deceit, blasphemy, and adultery. These are what appeal to it then, what we call its cravings; and it rejects whatever springs from thoughtfulness, justice, honesty, truth, and chastity.

I stated that love is polluted in and by discernment. It is polluted in discernment when love is influenced by these impurities. It is polluted by discernment when it makes matters of wisdom its own servants, and even more when it distorts, falsifies, and corrupts them.

There is no need to say more about the way this state answers to the heart or to its blood in the lungs than has already been said in 420. I may add only that the blood is polluted instead of being purified, and that instead of its being nourished by fragrant odors it feeds on stenches, just the way it happens in heaven and in hell.

Divine Love and Wisdom #421 (Rogers (1999))

421. (17) If they are not elevated together, love or the will is defiled in and by the intellect. This follows, since if love is not elevated, it remains impure, as we said in nos. 419-420 above. And as long as it remains impure, it loves things that are impure, such as the practices of vengeance, hatred, deceit, blasphemy, and adultery. For these are then its affections, which we call lusts, and it rejects things having to do with charity, justice, honesty, truthfulness, and chastity.

As for the statement that love is defiled in and by the intellect, it is defiled in the intellect when love is affected by those impure practices, and it is defiled by the intellect when love causes matters of wisdom to become its servants, and still more when it perverts, falsifies and adulterates them.

Concerning the circumstance of the heart or its blood that corresponds to this in the lungs, we need say no more than what we have already said in no. 420 above - only that instead of a purification of the blood, a pollution of it takes place, and that instead of a nourishment of the blood with fragrances, a nourishment of it with stenches occurs, just as is the case in heaven and in hell.

Divine Love and Wisdom #421 (Harley and Harley (1969))

421. (xvii) Love or the will is defiled in and by the understanding, if they are not elevated together; since, if love is not elevated, it remains impure (as stated above,419-420); and as long as that is so, it loves what is impure, such as revenge, hatred, deceit, blasphemy, adultery; for these are then its affections and are called lusts; while it rejects everything that has to do with charity, justice, sincerity, truth, and chastity. Love is said to be defiled in and by the understanding: in the understanding, when love is affected by those impure things; by the understanding, when love causes the things of wisdom to become its servants, and still more when it perverts, falsifies, and adulterates them. There is no need to say more of the state of the heart or its blood in the lungs corresponding to these things, than was said above (420), except that instead of purification of the blood its defilement takes place, and instead of nutrition of the blood by fragrant things as it is in heaven, nutrition is effected by stinking things, exactly as in hell.

Divine Love and Wisdom #421 (Ager (1890))

421. (17) Love or the will is defiled in the understanding and by it, if they are not elevated together. This is because love, if not elevated, remains impure (as stated above, n. 4 19, 420); and while it remains impure it loves what is impure, such as revenges, hatreds, deceits, blasphemes, adulteries, for these are then its affections that are called lusts, and it rejects what belongs to charity, justice, sincerity, truth, and chastity. Love is said to be defiled in the understanding, and by it; in the understanding, when love is affected by these impure things; by the understanding, when love makes the things of wisdom to become its servants, and still more when it perverts, falsifies, and adulterates them. Of the corresponding state of the heart, or of its blood in the lungs, there is no need to say more than has been said above (n. 420), except that instead of the purification of the blood its defilement takes place; and instead of the nutrition of the blood by fragrant odors its nutrition is effected by stenches, precisely as it is respectively in heaven and in hell.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #421 (original Latin,1763)

421. XVII. Quod Amor seu Voluntas conspurcetur in intellectu, et ab illo, si non simul elevantur: quoniam si amor non elevatur, tunc manet impurus, ut supra 419-420, dictum est; et cum manet impurus, amat impura, ut vindictas, odia, fraudes, blasphemias, adulteria; haec enim tunc sunt ejus affectiones, quae vocantur concupiscentiae, ac rejicit illa quae charitatis, justitiae, sinceritatis, veritatis, et castitatis sunt. Dicitur quod amor in intellectu, et ab illo, conspurcetur; in intellectu, dum amor afficitur impuris illis; ab intellectu, dum amor facit ut illa, quae sapientiae sunt, fiant sua servitia, et magis cum pervertit, falsificat et adulterat illa. De statu his correspondente cordis seu sanguinis ejus in pulmone, non opus est plura dicere quam quae supra 420 dicta sunt: solum quod loco purificationis sanguinis fiat conspurcatio ejus; et loco nutritionis sanguinis ex fragrantiis 1 fiat nutritio ex putoribus, prorsus sicut in coelo et in inferno fit.


1. Prima editio: fragantiis

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