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《圣爱与圣智》 第423节



由此可见,对属灵人来说,他的血更纯净,被有些人称为动物灵(the animal spirit),它被洁净到此人拥有一种爱与智慧的婚姻的程度。最直接地对应于该婚姻的,就是这种更纯净的血。由于它流入身体的血液中,所以可推知,身体的血液也通过它被洁净。对那些爱在理解力中被玷污的人来说,情况恰恰相反。然而,正如我们所说的,人无法通过检查血液来验证这一切;不过,他能通过观察爱之情感来验证,因为这些情感与血液相对应。

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Divine Love and Wisdom #423 (Dole (2003))

423. It is not that easy to see from the correspondence with heart and lungs how love is purified by wisdom in our discernment and becomes spiritual and heavenly because no one can see what the blood is like that keeps the lungs breathing. The blood can be full of impurities and still be indistinguishable from pure blood. Then too, the breathing of purely earthly-minded people seems very much like the breathing of spiritual-minded people. However, people can tell them apart very clearly in heaven. Individuals there breathe in keeping with the marriage of their love and wisdom; so just as angels can be identified by that marriage, they can be identified by their breathing. This is why when people who are not in that marriage arrive in heaven, they begin to feel chest pains and to struggle for breath like people in the throes of death. As a result, they hurl themselves down headlong and find no rest until they are with people whose breathing is like their own. Then, because of the correspondence, they are with people who feel the way they do and therefore think the way they do.

We can therefore tell that if we are spiritual, it is our purer blood, sometimes called the animal spirit, that is purified, and that it is purified to the extent that we participate in the marriage of love and wisdom. It is that purer blood that most closely answers to this marriage; and since it does flow into our physical blood, it follows that it also purifies that blood. The opposite happens for people whose love is defiled in their discernment.

As I have already noted, though, no one can investigate this by experiments with our blood, only by looking at the desires of our love, since these correspond to our blood.

Divine Love and Wisdom #423 (Rogers (1999))

423. The fact that love purified by wisdom in the intellect becomes spiritual and celestial cannot be so easily seen by their correspondence with the heart and lungs, because no one can see the quality of the blood by which the lungs are kept in the state of their respiration. The blood may be filled with pollutants and yet not be distinguishable from unpolluted blood. So likewise, the respiration of a merely natural person appears to be like the respiration of a spiritual person.

Yet the two are nevertheless clearly distinguishable in heaven, for everyone has a respiration there that accords with his marriage of love and wisdom. Consequently, as angels are known by that marriage, so they are known also by their respiration.

It is because of this that when anyone comes into heaven who does not possess that marriage, he suffers chest pain and struggles for breath like people in the agony of death. Therefore people in such a case also cast themselves down headlong from there, and do not rest until they are with people who possess a similar respiration, for these then possess by correspondence a like affection and consequent thought.

[2] It can be seen from this that in one who is spiritual, it is his purer blood that is purified, which some people call the animal spirit, 1 and that it is purified to the extent that the person possesses a marriage of love and wisdom. It is this purer blood which corresponds most closely to that marriage. And because it flows into the body's blood, it follows that the latter blood, too, is purified by it. The contrary is the case in people in whom love has been defiled in the intellect.

However, as we said, no one can investigate this by any empirical examination of the blood. But one can do so by an examination of the love's affections, since these correspond to the blood.


1. A supposed animating essence, purer than lymph, originating in the brain and pervading the fibers of the body.

Divine Love and Wisdom #423 (Harley and Harley (1969))

423. That love purified by wisdom in the understanding becomes spiritual and celestial cannot be seen through its correspondence with the heart and lungs, because no one can see the quality of the blood by which the lungs are maintained in a state of respiration. The blood may abound in impurities, and yet be indistinguishable from pure blood. Moreover the respiration of a merely natural man appears the same as that of a spiritual man, but yet the difference is clearly discerned in heaven, for there everyone breathes in accordance with the marriage of love and wisdom; on this account, as angels are recognized by that marriage, they are recognized also by the breathing. This is why, when anyone enters heaven who is not in that marriage, he is seized with anguish in the breast, and struggles for breath like those in the agony of death; for which reason also he throws himself headlong from the place and does not rest until he finds himself among those with respiration similar to his own; for then by correspondence they are in similar affection and therefore in similar thought. From these things it can be established that with the spiritual man, it is his purer blood, called by some the animal spirit, which is purified; and that it is purified to the degree the man is in the marriage of love and wisdom. It is this purer blood which corresponds most nearly to this marriage, and since it flows into the blood of the body, it follows that the latter blood also is purified by it. The reverse is true of those in whom love is defiled in the understanding, but, as was said, no one can test this by any experiment on the blood, but he can by observing the affections of love, since these correspond to the blood.

Divine Love and Wisdom #423 (Ager (1890))

423. That love purified by the wisdom in the understanding becomes spiritual and celestial cannot be seen so clearly by their correspondence with the heart and lungs, because no one can see the quality of the blood by which the lungs are kept in their state of respiration. The blood may abound in impurities, and yet not be distinguishable from pure blood. Moreover, the respiration of a merely natural man appears the same as the respiration of a spiritual man. But the difference is clearly discerned in heaven, for there every one respires according to the marriage of love and wisdom; therefore as angels are recognized according to that marriage, so are they recognized according to their respiration. For this reason it is that when one who is not in that marriage enters heaven, he is seized with anguish in the breast, and struggles for breath like a man in the agonies of death; such persons, therefore throw themselves headlong from the place, nor do they find rest until they are among those who are in a respiration similar to their own; for then by correspondence they are in similar affection, and therefore in similar thought. From all this it can be seen that with the spiritual man it is the purer blood, called by some the animal spirit, which is purified; and that it is purified so far as the man is in the marriage of love and wisdom. It is this purer blood which corresponds most nearly to that marriage; and because this blood inflows into the blood of the body, it follows that the latter blood is also purified by means of it. The reverse is true of those in whom love is defiled in the understanding. But, as was said, no one can test this by any experiment on the blood; but he can by observing the affections of love, since these correspond to the blood.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #423 (original Latin,1763)

423. Quod Amor purificatus a sapientia in Intellectu, fiat spiritualis et coelestis, non ita videri potest per correspondentiam cum Corde et Pulmone, quia nemo potest videre qualis est sanguis, per quem Pulmo in statu respirationis suae tenetur; potest sanguis scatere immundis, et hic usque non dignoscitur a sanguine mundo; et quoque respiratio hominis mere naturalis similis apparet respirationi hominis spiritualis: at usque probe dignoscitur in Coelo, quisque enim ibi respirat secundum conjugium amoris et sapientiae; quare sicut angeli cognoscuntur ex illo conjugio, etiam cognoscuntur ex respiratione: quae causa est, quod dum aliquis, qui non in illo conjugio est, in coelum venit, in angorem pectoris veniat, ac anima respirationis ejus luctetur sicut apud illos qui in agone 1 mortis sunt; quare etiam [tales] praecipites se inde dejiciunt, et non requiescunt [prius] quam cum apud illos sunt, qui in simili respiratione sunt, tunc enim per correspondentiam in simili affectione et inde cogitatione sunt.

[2] Ex his constare potest, quod [ei] qui spiritualis est, ejus sanguis purior, qui a quibusdam vocatur spiritus animalis, sit qui purificatus est, et quod tantum purificatus, quantum homo in conjugio amoris et sapientiae est: purior ille sanguis est, qui illi conjugio proxime correspondet; et quia ille influit in sanguinem corporis, sequitur quod etiam hic per illum purificetur: contrarium est apud illos, apud quos amor conspurcatus est in intellectu. Sed, ut dictum est, nemo potest hoc per aliquam experientiam ex sanguine explorare, sed potest ex amoris affectionibus, quoniam hae sanguini correspondent.


1. Prima editio: angone

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