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《圣爱与圣智》 第422节




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Divine Love and Wisdom #422 (Dole (2003))

422, 18. Love that has been cleansed in our discernment becomes spiritual and heavenly. We are born earthly, but to the extent that our discernment is raised into heaven's light and our love into heaven's warmth along with it, we become spiritual and heavenly. Then we become like a Garden of Eden, bathed in the light and warmth of springtime.

Our discernment does not become spiritual and heavenly. Our love does, and when it does it makes its spouse, discernment, spiritual and heavenly as well.

Love becomes spiritual and heavenly through a life in accord with the truths of wisdom, truths that discernment teaches and illustrates. Love absorbs these truths not on its own but by means of discernment, since love cannot lift itself up unless it knows truths; and it can know truths only by means of a discernment that has been lifted up and enlightened. Then love is lifted up to the extent that it loves these truths by doing them. It is one thing to discern, that is, and another to intend; or it is one thing to speak and another to act. There are people who understand truths of wisdom and utter them but still do not intend and do them. When love, then, puts into practice the truths of light that it discerns and utters, then it is raised up.

Simple reason shows that this is so. After all, what are we when we discern and utter truths of wisdom while we are living--that is, intending and acting--contrary to them?

The reason love becomes spiritual and heavenly when it has been purified by wisdom is that we have three levels of life, levels called earthly, spiritual, and heavenly. These were discussed in part 3 of the present work [236-241]. We can be lifted up from one to the next; but we are not raised simply by wisdom. We are raised by a life in accord with wisdom, because our life is our love. So to the extent that we live in accord with wisdom we love it; and we live in accord with wisdom to the extent that we purify ourselves from those unclean things we call sins; and to the extent that we do this, we love wisdom.

Divine Love and Wisdom #422 (Rogers (1999))

422. (18) Love purified by wisdom in the intellect becomes spiritual and celestial. A person is born natural, but as his intellect is elevated into the light of heaven, and his love is elevated together with it into the warmth of heaven, he becomes spiritual and celestial. He then becomes as though a garden of Eden, in the enjoyment of a springlike light and at the same time a springlike warmth.

The intellect does not become spiritual and celestial, but the love does, and when the love does, it makes the intellect, its partner, spiritual and celestial also.

Love becomes spiritual and celestial by a life in accordance with the truths of wisdom that the intellect teaches and shows it. Love learns these through its intellect, and not on its own. The fact is that love cannot elevate itself unless it knows truths, and it can know these only through an intellect that has been elevated and enlightened. In the measure that it then comes to love truths by putting them into practice, in the same measure the love, too, is elevated. For it is one thing to understand and another to will, or one thing to speak and another to do. There are people who understand and utter truths of wisdom, and yet do not will them and put them into practice. It is consequently when love puts into practice the truths of light which it understands and utters that it is then elevated.

[2] One can see the reality of this in the light of reason alone. For what is a person who understands and utters truths of wisdom while living contrary to them, that is, while willing and behaving contrary to them?

Love purified by wisdom becomes spiritual and celestial for the reason that a person has in him three degrees of life, called natural, spiritual and celestial (as discussed in Part Three of this work), and a person can be elevated from one degree into another. Yet he is not elevated by wisdom alone, but by a life in accordance with it, for a person's life is his love. Consequently, to the extent that a person lives in accordance with wisdom, to the same extent he loves it; and he lives in accordance with wisdom to the extent that he purifies himself of pollutions, which are sins. To the extent, then, that he does this, to the same extent he loves wisdom.

Divine Love and Wisdom #422 (Harley and Harley (1969))

422. (xviii) Love, purified by wisdom in the understanding, becomes spiritual and celestial. Man is born natural, but as the understanding is elevated into the light of heaven and with it love is elevated into the heat of heaven, so he becomes spiritual and celestial; he then becomes like a Garden of Eden which has at once the light and heat of perpetual spring. It is not the understanding that becomes spiritual and celestial, but love; and when love becomes spiritual, it also makes its partner, the understanding, spiritual and celestial. Love becomes spiritual and celestial by a life in accordance with the truths which wisdom teaches and impresses. Love imbibes these truths by means of its understanding and not from itself; for love cannot be elevated except by knowing truths, and it can know these only by means of an elevated and enlightened understanding; and then as far as it loves truths by doing them, so far it is elevated. For it is one thing to understand, and another to will; or one thing to talk and another to do. There are those who understand and speak truths of wisdom, yet neither will them nor practise them. When, therefore, love does put into practice the truths of light, which it understands and talks about, it is elevated. That it is so, man may see from reason alone; for what can be said of the man who understands the truths of wisdom and speaks about them while he lives contrary to them, that is, while his will and conduct are opposed to them? Love purified by wisdom becomes spiritual and celestial, because man has three degrees of life, called natural, spiritual, and celestial, treated of in the Third Part of this work. Man can be elevated from one to another; yet he is not raised by wisdom alone, but by life in accordance therewith, for man's life is his love. Wherefore, he loves wisdom to the extent that he lives it; and that is the measure of his purification from what is unclean, that is from sins; and so far as he purifies himself, he loves wisdom.

Divine Love and Wisdom #422 (Ager (1890))

422. (18) Love, when purified by wisdom in the understanding, becomes spiritual and celestial. Man is born natural, but in the measure in which his understanding is raised into the light of heaven, and his love conjointly is raised into the heat of heaven, he becomes spiritual and celestial; he then becomes like a garden of Eden, which is at once in vernal light and vernal heat. It is not the understanding that becomes spiritual and celestial, but the love; and when the love has so become, it makes its consort, the understanding, spiritual and celestial. Love becomes spiritual and celestial by a life according to the truths of wisdom which the understanding teaches and requires. Love imbibes these truths by means of its understanding, and not from itself; for love cannot elevate itself unless it knows truths, and these it can learn only by means of an elevated and enlightened understanding; and then so far as it loves truths in the practice of them so far it is elevated; for to understand is one thing and to will is another; or to say is one thing and to do is another. There are those who understand and talk about the truths of wisdom, yet neither will nor practise them. When, therefore, love puts in practice the truths of light which it understands and speaks, it is elevated. This one can see from reason alone; for what kind of a man is he who understands the truths of wisdom and talks about them while he lives contrary to them, that is, while his will and conduct are opposed to them? Love purified by wisdom becomes spiritual and celestial, for the reason that man has three degrees of life, called natural, spiritual, and celestial (of which in the Third Part of this work), and he is capable of elevation from one degree into another. Yet he is not elevated by wisdom alone, but by a life according to wisdom, for a man's life is his love. Consequently, so far as his life is according to wisdom, so far he loves wisdom; and his life is so far according to wisdom as he purifies himself from uncleannesses, which are sins; and so far as he does this does he love wisdom.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #422 (original Latin,1763)

422. XVIII. Quod Amor purificatus a sapientia in Intellectu fiat spiritualis et coelestis. Homo nascitur naturalis, sed secundum intellectum elevatum in lucem coeli, et una amorem elevatum in calorem coeli, fit spiritualis et coelestis[;] fit tunc sicut hortus Edenis, qui in luce vernali et simul in calore vernali est. Intellectus non fit spiritualis et coelestis, sed amor fit, et cum amor fit, etiam intellectum conjugem suam facit spiritualem et coelestem. Amor fit spiritualis et coelestis ex vita secundum vera sapientiae, quae intellectus docet et monstrat[;] amor per intellectum suum haurit illa, et non a se; nam amor non potest elevare se, nisi sciat vera, et haec scire non potest nisi quam per intellectum elevatum et illustratum; et tunc quantum amat vera faciendo illa, tantum elevatur; nam aliud est intelligere, et aliud est velle, seu aliud est loqui, et aliud est facere; sunt qui intelligunt et loquuntur vera sapientiae, at usque non volunt et faciunt illa: cum ita amor facit vera lucis quae intelligit et loquitur, tunc elevatur.

[2] Quod ita sit, homo ex sola ratione potest videre; quid enim est homo qui intelligit et loquitur vera sapientiae, dum contra illa vivit, hoc est, dum contra illa vult et facit. Quod Amor purificatus a sapientia fiat spiritualis et coelestis, est quia homini tres gradus vitae sunt, qui vocantur naturalis, spiritualis et coelestis, de quibus in Tertia Parte hujus Operis, et homo potest elevari ab uno in alterum; at non elevatur per solam sapientiam, sed per vitam secundum illam, vita enim hominis est ejus amor; quare quantum vivit secundum sapientiam, tantum amat illam; ac tantum vivit secundum sapientiam, quantum purificat se ab immundis quae sunt peccata; et quantum hoc facit, tantum amat illam.

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