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《圣爱与圣智》 第74节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #74 (Dole (2003))

74. We can see from this that time is the equivalent of thought from feeling. This is in fact the source of our basic quality as people.

There are many examples of the fact that as people move through space in the spiritual world, distances are equivalent to progress through time. Paths there are actually or correspondingly lengthened, in response to eagerness, which is a matter of thought from affection. This is also why we speak of "stretches of time." In other situations, though, such as in dreams, where thought is not coordinated with our actual feelings, time is not in evidence.

Divine Love and Wisdom #74 (Rogers (1999))

74. It can be seen from this that time accords with thought from affection, for thought from affection is what determines the quality of a person's state.

As for distances encountered in travels through stretches of space in the spiritual world, the fact that these accord with the passage of periods of time can be illustrated by a number of examples. For routes there are actually shortened in accordance with the travelers' longings, which are those of their thought from affection, and they are also conversely lengthened. So it is that intervals of time are called also spaces of time.

On the other hand, whenever a person's thought is not conjoined with his own affection, in such states time goes unnoticed, as in dreams.

Divine Love and Wisdom #74 (Harley and Harley (1969))

74. From these statements it can be established that time makes one with thought from affection; for from that is the quality of man's state. Distances in progressions through spaces in the spiritual world make one with progressions of times as can be shown from many things. For actually ways there are shortened or conversely lengthened, in accordance with desires which are of thought from affection. From this also "spaces of time" are spoken of. But in such cases where thought does not conjoin itself with a man's proprial affection, as in sleep, time is not apparent.

Divine Love and Wisdom #74 (Ager (1890))

74. From the above it can be seen that time makes one with thought from affection; for from that is the quality of man's state. And with progressions of time, in the spiritual world, distances in progress through space coincide; as may be shown from many things. For instance, in the spiritual world ways are actually shortened or are lengthened in accordance with the longings that are of thought from affection. From this, also, comes the expression, "spaces of time." Moreover, in cases where thought does not join itself to its proper affection in man, as in sleep, the lapse of time is not noticed.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #74 (original Latin,1763)

74. Ex his constare potest quod Tempus unum faciat cum cogitatione ex affectione; quale enim status hominis inde est. Quod distantiae in progressionibus per spatia in Mundo spirituali 1 unum faciant cum progressionibus temporum, ex multis illustrari potest, abbreviantur enim actualiter viae ibi secundum desideria, quae sunt cogitationis ex affectione, ac vicissim prolongantur: inde est quod etiam spatia temporis dicantur. In talibus autem, quando cogitatio non se conjungit cum affectione propria hominis, tempus non apparet, ut in somniis. 2


1. Prima editio: spiriuali

2. Prima editio: somnis.

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