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《圣爱与圣智》 第75节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #75 (Dole (2003))

75. Now, since the segments of time that are proper to nature in its world are nothing but states in the spiritual world, and since these states come to view sequentially because angels and spirits are finite, it stands to reason that they are not sequential in God, because God is infinite. The infinite things in God are all one, in keeping with what has been explained above in 17-22. It then follows from this that Divinity is present in all time, nontemporally.

Divine Love and Wisdom #75 (Rogers (1999))

75. Now, because intervals of time - which are properties of nature in its own world - are nothing but states in the spiritual world, states which appear progressive there because angels and spirits are finite, it can be seen that in God states are not progressive, because He is infinite, and because the infinite elements in Him are one, in accordance with the points we demonstrated above in nos. 17-22.

From this it follows that the Divine is present through all time independently of time.

Divine Love and Wisdom #75 (Harley and Harley (1969))

75. Now because times which are proper to Nature in its world are, in the spiritual world, pure states which there appear progressive because angels and spirits are finite, it can be established that in God, they are not progressive because He is Infinite, and infinite things in Him are one, according to those things shown above (17-22). From these things it follows that the Divine is in all time apart from time.

Divine Love and Wisdom #75 (Ager (1890))

75. Now as times which are proper to nature in its world are in the spiritual world pure states, which appear progressive because angels and spirits are finite, it may be seen that in God they are not progressive because He is Infinite, and infinite things in Him are one (as has been shown above, n. 17-22). From this it follows that the Divine in all time is apart from time.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #75 (original Latin,1763)

75. Nunc quia Tempora, quae sunt propria naturae in ejus mundo, sunt puri status in Mundo spirituali, qui ibi progressivi apparent, quia Angeli et Spiritus sunt finiti, constare potest quod in Deo non sint progressivi, quia Infinitus est, ac Infinita in Ipso unum sunt, secundum illa quae supra 17-22 demonstrata sunt: ex quibus sequitur, quod Divinum in omni tempore sit absque tempore.

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