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《圣爱与圣智》 第88节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #88 (Dole (2003))

88. Since there is the kind of distinction described in 83 between what is spiritual and what is physical, not a trace of anything from the sun of the physical world can cross over into the spiritual world--that is, not a trace of its light and warmth or of any object on earth. The light of the physical world is darkness there, and its warmth is death there. Still, our world's warmth can be brought to life by an inflow of heaven's warmth, and our world's light can be brightened by an inflow of heaven's light. This inflow happens by means of correspondences, and cannot happen as a result of continuity.

Divine Love and Wisdom #88 (Rogers (1999))

88. Since there is such a difference between something spiritual and something natural, as shown above in no. 83, therefore not one whit of anything arising from the sun in the natural world can pass over into the spiritual world - not one whit of its light and heat, or one whit of anything existing on the earth. The light of the natural world is darkness there, and its heat is death there. But still the heat of the world can be animated by an influx of the warmth of heaven, and the light of the world can be illumined by an influx of the light of heaven. Influx takes place through correspondent relationships, and cannot take place through a continuum.

Divine Love and Wisdom #88 (Harley and Harley (1969))

88. Since there is such distinction between the spiritual and the natural as has been shown above (83), therefore not a whit from the sun of the natural world can cross over into the spiritual world, that is, not a whit of its light and heat, or of any object on the earth. The light of the natural world is thick darkness there, and its heat is death there. But yet, the heat of the world can be vivified by an influx of the heat of heaven 1 , and the light of the world can be illumined by an influx of the light of heaven. Influx takes place by means of correspondences and cannot take place by continuity.


1. The translation accidentally omits the final clause of this sentence. We have appended the translated text from the Rogers translation of the same work, from here to the end of the sentence.

Divine Love and Wisdom #88 (Ager (1890))

88. With such a difference between the spiritual and the natural (as shown above, n. 83), nothing from the sun of the natural world, that is, nothing of its heat and light, nor anything pertaining to any earthly object, can pass over into the spiritual world. To the spiritual world the light of the natural world is thick darkness, and its heat is death. Nevertheless, the heat of the world can be vivified by the influx of heavenly heat, and the light of the world can be illumined by the influx of heavenly light. Influx is effected by correspondences; and it cannot be effected by continuity.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #88 (original Latin,1763)

88. Quoniam tale discrimen est inter Spirituale et Naturale, ut supra 83 ostensum est, ideo ne hilum ex Sole mundi naturalis transire potest in Mundum spiritualem, hoc est, ne hilum lucis et caloris ejus, aut objecti alicujus in tellure; lux mundi naturalis est caligo ibi, et calor ejus est mors ibi; sed usque calor mundi potest vivificari per influxum caloris coeli, et lux mundi illustrari potest per influxum lucis coeli; influxus fit per correspondentias, et non potest fieri per continuum.

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