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《圣爱与圣智》 第87节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #87 (Dole (2003))

87. The reason that sun looks like fire to angels' eyes is that love and fire are interactive. Angels cannot see love with their eyes, but instead of love they see what answers to it. They have inner and outer natures just as we do. It is their inner self that thinks and is wise, that intends and loves, and their outer self that feels, sees, speaks, and acts. All these outer functions of theirs are responsive to the inner ones, but the responsiveness is spiritual and not earthly.

To spiritual beings, divine love feels like fire. This is why fire means love when it is mentioned in the Word. That is what "sacred fire" used to mean in the Israelite church, and that is why we often ask in our prayers to God that heavenly fire (meaning divine love) should kindle our hearts.

Divine Love and Wisdom #87 (Rogers (1999))

87. The sun in the spiritual world appears to the eyes of angels as fiery for the reason that love and fire correspond to each other. For angels cannot with their eyes see love, but instead of love see that which corresponds to it. That is because angels just as people have an inner component and an outer one. Their inner component is the component that thinks and perceives and that wills and loves, and their outer component is the component that feels, sees, speaks and acts. Moreover, all their outward elements are correspondent reflections of inward ones, but correspondent reflections that are spiritual and not natural.

Divine love is also felt as fire by spiritual beings.

So it is that when fire is mentioned in the Word, it symbolizes love. Sacred fire in the Israelite Church symbolized Divine love. It is because of this that it is customary in prayers to God to ask that heavenly fire may kindle the heart, meaning that Divine love may do so.

Divine Love and Wisdom #87 (Harley and Harley (1969))

87. The reason why that Sun appears before the angels' eyes as fiery is that love and fire correspond to one another; for their eyes cannot see love but, in place of it, that which corresponds to it. For angels just like men have an internal and an external, the internal [being] that which thinks and is wise, and that which wills and loves, and their external is that which feels, sees, speaks and acts. And all their external things are correspondences of the internals, but spiritual correspondences, however, not natural. The Divine Love is even felt as fire by the spiritual. Hence it is that "fire," when it is mentioned in the Word, signifies love. In the Israelitish church sacred fire signified love and it is also because of this that in prayers to God, it is usual to ask that heavenly fire, that is, Divine Love, may kindle the heart.

Divine Love and Wisdom #87 (Ager (1890))

87. Since love and fire mutually correspond, that sun appears before the eyes of the angels as fiery; for angels cannot see love with their eyes, but they see in the place of love what corresponds to it. For angels, equally with men, have an internal and an external; it is their internal that thinks and is wise, and that wills and loves; it is their external that feels, sees, speaks and acts. All their externals are correspondences of internals; but the correspondences are spiritual, not natural. Moreover, Divine love is felt as fire by spiritual beings. For this reason "fire," when mentioned in the Word, signifies love. In the Israelitish Church, "holy fire" signified love; and this is why, in prayers to God, it is customary to ask that "heavenly fire," that is Divine Love, "may kindle the heart."

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #87 (original Latin,1763)

87. Quod Sol ille appareat coram oculis Angelorum sicut igneus, est quia Amor et Ignis sibi correspondent; oculis enim suis non possunt videre amorem, sed pro amore id quod ei correspondet; est enim Angelis aeque ac hominibus internum et externum; internum eorum [est] quod cogitat et sapit, ac quod vult et amat, et externum eorum est quod sentit, videt, loquitur et agit; et omnia externa eorum sunt correspondentiae internorum, sed correspondentiae spirituales, non autem naturales. Divinus amor etiam sentitur ut ignis a Spiritualibus. 1 Inde est quod Ignis, ubi dicitur in Verbo, significet amorem; ignis sacer in Ecclesia Israelitica illum significabat; ex quo est, quod in precibus ad Deum etiam solenne sit dicere, ut ignis coelestis accendat cor, hoc est, ut Divinus Amor.

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