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《圣爱与圣智》 第90节





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Divine Love and Wisdom #90 (Dole (2003))

90. Since angels are spiritual beings, they cannot live in any warmth or any light that is not spiritual. We, on the other hand, cannot live in any warmth or any light that is not physical. This is because what is spiritual suits what is spiritual, and what is physical suits what is physical. If angels were to depend on physical warmth and light to even the least extent, they would be destroyed. It is absolutely wrong for their life.

Each of us is a spirit, as far as the inner levels of our minds are concerned. When we die, we leave this world of nature completely behind. We give up everything it has to offer and enter a world that contains nothing proper to the world of nature. In that world we live so completely distanced from nature that there is no communication along a continuum, that is, nothing like degrees of purity or coarseness. It is a case of before and after, with no communication except by correspondences.

It stands to reason, then, that spiritual warmth is not a purer form of physical warmth, that spiritual light is not a purer form of physical light, but that they are completely different in essence. Spiritual warmth and light derive their essence from a sun that is nothing but love, a sun that is life itself, while physical warmth and light derive their essence from a sun that is nothing but fire, containing no life whatever, as I have already stated [89].

Divine Love and Wisdom #90 (Rogers (1999))

90. Because angels are spiritual beings, they cannot live in any other warmth or in any other light than spiritual warmth and light. On the other hand, people cannot live in any other warmth or in any other light than natural warmth and light. For a spiritual environment suits a spiritual being, and a natural one a natural being. If an angel were to draw the least bit of his existence from natural heat and light, he would perish, because it is unsuited to his life.

[2] Every person in the interiors of his mind is a spirit. When a person dies, he departs altogether from the world of nature, leaving all of its properties behind, and enters into a world which has not a speck of nature in it. And in that world he lives so detached from nature that he has no communication with it by any continuous connection, that is, by the kind of continuum that exists between something purer and something cruder, but by the kind of connection that exists between something prior and something subsequent, whose only communication is by correspondent relationships.

[3] It can be seen from this that spiritual heat is not a purer natural heat, and spiritual light a purer natural light, but that they are of an entirely different character; for spiritual heat and light take their character from a sun that is pure love, which is life itself, while natural heat and light take their character from a sun that is nothing but fire, which has in it absolutely no life (as we said above).

Divine Love and Wisdom #90 (Harley and Harley (1969))

90. Because angels are spiritual, they can live in no other heat or light than in that which is spiritual. Men, however, can live in no other heat and light than in the natural, for spiritual [heat and light] suit the spiritual, and natural [heat and light] suit the natural. If an angel were to draw the least thing from natural heat and light, he would perish, for it is entirely unsuitable to his life. Every man, as to the interiors of his mind, is a spirit. When the man dies, he goes forth from the natural world altogether, leaving everything of it, and comes into a world in which there is nothing of nature. And in that world he lives thus separated from nature so that no communication takes place by continuity, that is, as of purer and grosser but as of prior and posterior, which communication is only possible by means of correspondences. Hence it can be established that spiritual heat is not a purer natural heat, nor spiritual light a purer natural light, but that they are altogether from another essence, for spiritual heat and light derive their essence from the Sun which is pure Love and Life in Itself, and natural heat and light derive their essence from a sun which is pure fire in which there is absolutely nothing of life, as was said above.

Divine Love and Wisdom #90 (Ager (1890))

90. Since angels are spiritual they can live in no other than spiritual heat and light, while men can live in no other than natural heat and light; for what is spiritual accords with what is spiritual, and what is natural with what is natural. If an angel were to derive the least particle from natural heat and light he would perish; for it is totally discordant with his life. As to the interiors of the mind every man is a spirit. When he dies he withdraws entirely from the world of nature, leaving behind him all its belongings, and enters a world where there is nothing of nature. In that world he lives so separated from nature that there is no communication whatever by continuity, that is, as between what is purer and grosser, but only like that between what is prior and posterior; and between such no communication is possible except by correspondences. From this it can be seen that spiritual heat is not a purer natural heat, or spiritual light a purer natural light, but that they are altogether of a different essence; for spiritual heat and light derive their essence from a sun which is pure Love, and this is Life itself; while natural heat and light derive their essence from a sun which is pure fire, in which (as said above) there is absolutely nothing of life.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #90 (original Latin,1763)

90. Angeli, quia Spirituales sunt, non possunt in alio calore, nec in alia luce quam spirituali, vivere; Homines autem non possunt in alio calore et in alia luce, quam in naturali, [vivere;] nam Spirituale convenit 1 Spirituali, et Naturale Naturali; si Angelus traheret minutissimum ex Calore et Luce naturali, periret, prorsus enim disconvenit vitae ejus.

[2] Quisque homo quoad mentis suae interiora est Spiritus; cum homo moritur, egreditur prorsus e Mundo naturae, et relinquit omnia ejus, et ingreditur in Mundum, in quo nihil naturae est; et in hoc Mundo ita separatus a natura vivit, ut non ulla communicatio sit per continuum, hoc est, sicut purius et crassius, sed sicut prius et posterius, quorum communicatio non alia datur quam per correspondentias.

[3] Inde constare potest, quod Calor Spiritualis non sit purior calor naturalis, et Lux Spiritualis non purior lux naturalis, sed quod sint prorsus ex alia essentia, calor enim et lux Spiritualis trahunt essentiam ex Sole qui est purus Amor, qui est ipsa Vita, et calor et lux naturalis trahunt essentiam ex Sole qui est purus Ignis, in quo absolute nihil vitae est; ut supra dictum.


1. Prima editio: covenit

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