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《圣爱与圣智》 第91节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #91 (Dole (2003))

91. Given this kind of difference between the warmth and light of the two worlds, it is obvious why people who live in one of the worlds cannot see people who are living in the other. Our eyes, which see in physical light, are made of substances of their own world, and angels' are made of substances of their world. In other words, in each case they are designed for adequate sensitivity to their own light.

We can see from this what ignorance underlies the thinking of people who exclude from their faith any notion that angels and spirits are people, simply because they do not see them with their own eyes.

Divine Love and Wisdom #91 (Rogers (1999))

91. Since there is such a difference between the heat and light of the two worlds, it is clearly apparent why it is that people who live in one of these worlds cannot see those who live in the other world. For the eyes of a person who sees by virtue of natural light are formed from the substance of his world, and the eyes of an angel are formed from the substance of his world, so as to be suitably formed in each world to receive their own light.

It can be seen from this how ignorant the thinking is of people who do not accept into the tenets of their faith that angels and spirits are people, because they do not see them with their eyes.

Divine Love and Wisdom #91 (Harley and Harley (1969))

91. Since such is the distinction between the heat and light of the one world and of the other, it is therefore clearly evident that those who are in the one world cannot see those who are in the other world. For the eyes of a man who sees from natural light, are of the substance of his world, and the eyes of an angel are of the substance of his world. Thus in each case they are formed to receive adequately his own light. From these considerations it can be seen from how much ignorance those people think who, because they do not see them with their eyes, do not admit into their faith [the belief] that angels and spirits are men.

Divine Love and Wisdom #91 (Ager (1890))

91. Such being the difference between the heat and light of the two worlds, it is very evident why those who are in the one world cannot see those who are in the other world. For the eyes of man, who sees from natural light, are of the substance of his world, and the eyes of an angel are of the substance of his world; thus in both cases they are formed for the proper reception of their own light. From all this it can be seen from how much ignorance those think who, because they cannot see angels and spirits with their eyes, are unwilling to believe them to be men.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #91 (original Latin,1763)

91. Quoniam tale discrimen est inter calorem et lucem unius et alterius Mundi, patet clare, unde est, quod illi qui in uno Mundo sunt, non possint videre illos qui in altero Mundo sunt; oculi enim hominis, qui ex luce naturali videt, sunt ex substantia sui Mundi, et oculi angeli sunt ex substantia sui Mundi, ita utrobivis formati ad recipiendum adaequate suam lucem. Ex his videri potest, quantum ex ignorantia cogitant illi, qui in fidem suam non admittunt, quod angeli et spiritus sint homines, quia oculis illos non vident.

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