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《圣治(天意)》 第169节



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Divine Providence (Rogers translation 2003) 169

169. These are the different kinds of enlightenment and consequent perception and thought. Real enlightenment is due to spiritual light, but the enlightenment itself due to that light is not apparent to anyone in the natural world, because natural light has nothing in common with spiritual light. However, enlightenment of this kind has sometimes been apparent to me in the spiritual world, made visible in the case of people in a state of enlightenment from the Lord as a luminous aura about the head, glowing with the color of the human face. But in the case of people in a state of enlightenment from themselves, the same luminous aura was visible not about the head but about the mouth and over the chin.

Divine Providence (Dole translation 2003) 169

169. These are varieties of enlightenment and of the sensitivity and thought that it produces. There is an effective enlightenment by spiritual light, but the actual enlightenment that comes from this light is not perceptible to anyone in the physical world, because physical light has nothing in common with spiritual light. I have seen this enlightenment several times in the spiritual world, though. It was visible with people who were being enlightened by the Lord as a radiance around their heads, the ruddy color of some human faces. A kind of radiance also appeared with people who were self-enlightened, but around their mouths and chins rather than their heads.

Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford translation 1949) 169

169. Such are the differences of enlightenment, and consequently of perception and thought. There is an actual enlightenment from spiritual light; but the enlightenment itself from that light does not appear to anyone in the natural world, because natural light has nothing in common with spiritual light. This enlightenment, however, has sometimes appeared to me in the spiritual world, being visible in the case of those who are in enlightenment from the Lord as a luminous appearance around the head, glowing with the colour of the human face. But in the case of those who were in enlightenment from themselves, this luminous appearance was not about the head, but about the mouth and over the chin.

Divine Providence (Ager translation 1899) 169

169. Such are the differences of enlightenment, and consequently of perception and thought. From spiritual light there is an actual enlightenment; but the enlightenment itself from that light is not manifest to any one in the natural world, because natural light has nothing in common with spiritual light; but this enlightenment has sometimes been manifest to me in the spiritual world, being visible in the case of those who were in enlightenment from the Lord as a luminous appearance around the head glowing with the color of the human face. But in the case of those that were in enlightenment from themselves, this luminous appearance was not about the head, but about the mouth and over the chin.

De Divina Providentia 169 (original Latin, 1764)

169. Haec sunt discrimina illustrationis et inde perceptionis et cogitationis; est actualis illustratio a luce spirituali, sed ipsa illustratio ab illa luce non apparet alicui in Mundo naturali, quia lux naturalis non commune habet cum luce spirituali: sed illustratio illa mihi aliquoties apparuit in mundo spirituali, visa apud illos qui in illustratione a Domino fuerunt, sicut luminosum circum caput, rutilans colore faciei humanae. Apud illos autem qui in illustratione a semet fuerunt, apparuit tale luminosum non circum caput, sed circum os et supra mentum.

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