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《圣治(天意)》 第170节



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Divine Providence (Rogers translation 2003) 170

170. In addition to these kinds of enlightenment there is also another kind, by which it is revealed to a person what faith he has, and what intelligence and wisdom - the sort of revelation that enables him to perceive this in himself. He is conveyed into a society where he finds a genuine faith and true intelligence and wisdom, and his interior rationality is opened there, which enables him to see the character of his faith and of his intelligence and wisdom, so that he acknowledges them.

I have seen some returning from that experience and have heard them confessing that they had not a particle of faith, even though they had believed in the world that they had a good deal of faith and more faith than others. The same, too, as regards their intelligence and wisdom. These were people caught up in faith alone who lacked any charity and were taken up with their own intelligence.

Divine Providence (Dole translation 2003) 170

170. There is another kind of enlightenment besides these, one by which it is revealed to people what kind of faith and what kind of intelligence and wisdom they have. It works by enabling them to see this within themselves. They are brought into a community where there is real faith and real intelligence and wisdom and then the deeper levels of their rationality are opened. This enables them to see their own faith and their own intelligence and wisdom, to see convincingly what kind of people they are. I have seen some [spirits] coming back from these visits and heard them admit that they really did not have any faith, though in the world they had thought they had great faith--outstanding, exemplary faith--admitting the same about their intelligence and wisdom as well. They were people who had lived in faith alone and not in charity and had been impressed with their own intelligence.

Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford translation 1949) 170

170. In addition to these kinds of enlightenment there is another, by which it is revealed to man in what faith, and in what intelligence and wisdom he is; and the revelation is such that he himself perceives it in his own case. He is admitted into a society where there is genuine faith and where there are true intelligence and wisdom; and there his interior rationality is opened, and from this he sees the nature of his own faith, his intelligence and his wisdom, even to an acknowledgment of them. I have seen some returning from such a visit, and have heard them confessing that they have no faith, although while in the world they had believed that they had faith in large measure and outstanding above that of others; and in like terms they spoke of their intelligence and wisdom. Some of these were in faith alone and in no charity, and some were principled in their own intelligence.

Divine Providence (Ager translation 1899) 170

170. Besides these kinds of enlightenment there is another, by which it is revealed to man in what faith and in what intelligence and wisdom he is; and the revelation is such as to enable him to perceive this in himself. He is admitted into a society where there is genuine faith, also true intelligence and wisdom; and there his interior rationality is opened, and from it he sees the quality of his faith and his intelligence and wisdom, even to an acknowledgment of it. I have seen some of these on their return, and have heard them confessing that they had no faith, although in the world they had supposed their faith to be abundant, surpassing that of others, and their intelligence and wisdom to be the same. These were in faith alone, and in no charity, and were in their own intelligence.

De Divina Providentia 170 (original Latin, 1764)

170. Praeter has Illustrationes datur etiam alia Illustratio, per quam revelatur homini, in qua fide, et in qua intelligentia et sapientia est, quae revelatio talis est, ut ipse id in se percipiat; mittitur ille in societatem, ubi genuina fides est, et ubi vera intelligentia et sapientia, ac aperitur ibi interior ejus rationalitas, ex qua videt suam fidem, ac suam intelligentiam 1et sapientiam, quales sunt, usque ad agnitionem: vidi quosdam inde redeuntes, et audivi fatentes, quod illis nihil fidei fuerit, tametsi in mundo crediderunt 2se multam et prae aliis insignem habuisse; similiter de sua intelligentia et sapientia: fuerunt qui in fide separata, et in nulla charitate, et qui in propria intelligentia.


1 Prima editio: intelligentiam

2 Prima editio: crediderunt,

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