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《宇宙星球》 第101节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 101

101. They told me that spirits of another type who travel in a group often come to them wanting to learn about their situation. These spirits use various means of finding out from them what they know. They said that these spirits are not crazy except in their being so eager to know things for no other reason than to know them. They were later told that these spirits were from the planet Mercury, the planet nearest to the Sun, and that knowledge itself is what they enjoy, and not any use they might get from it.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 101

101. They reported that spirits of another kind, who travel in squadrons, often visit them, desiring to know how things are with them. They have various ways of finding out from them what they know. They said of these that they are not mad, except only in that they are so keen on knowledge for no other purpose than that of acquiring it. Later they were informed that these spirits came from the planet Mercury, that is, from the world nearest the sun, and they take pleasure only in what they know, not so much in the use to which it can be put.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 101

101. They related further that another kind of spirits, who go in companies, frequently come to them, desiring to know how things are with them; and that by various methods they draw out from them whatever they know. They said concerning these spirits, that they were not insane, only in this, that they desire to know so much for no other use than to know. They were afterwards instructed that these spirits were from the planet Mercury, or the earth nearest the sun, and that they are delighted with knowledges alone, and not so much with their uses.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 101 (original Latin)

101. Narrabant, quod aliud genus spirituum, qui turmatim vadunt, frequenter ad illos veniant, desiderante scire quomodo res apud illos se habet; et quod variis modis eliciant ab illis quae sciunt; de his dicebant, quod non insaniant, modo in eo, quod tantum desiderent scire non propter alium usum, quam ut sciant. Postea instructi sunt, quod spiritus illi sint ex Planeta Mercurii seu ex Tellure proxima Soli, et quod illos cognitiones solum delectent, et non ita usus ex illis.

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