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《宇宙星球》 第121节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 121

121. It is important to know that whatever planet people are from, the Lord acknowledges and accepts everyone who acknowledges and worships a God in human form, because God in human form is the Lord. Since the Lord appears to the inhabitants of various planets in an angelic form, which is a human form, when spirits and angels from those planets hear from spirits and angels of our planet that God is an actual human being, they accept this as the Word, acknowledge it, and rejoice that this is the case.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 121

121. It needs to be known that the Lord acknowledges and accepts all from whatever world they come, who acknowledge and worship God in human form, since the Lord is God in human form. Since the Lord appears to the inhabitants of these worlds in the form of an angel, which means in human form, when the spirits and angels from these worlds are told by the spirits and angels from our world that God is truly Man, they accept that saying, recognising and pleased that it is so.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 121

121. It is to be known that the Lord acknowledges and receives all, of whatsoever earth they be, who acknowledge and worship God under the human form, inasmuch as God under the human form is the Lord. And because the Lord appears to the inhabitants in the earths in an angelic form, which is the human form, therefore when the spirits and angels from those earths are informed by the spirits and angels of our earth that God is actually Man, they receive that Word, acknowledge it, and rejoice that it is so.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 121 (original Latin)

121. Sciendum est, quod Dominus omnes, e quacunque Tellure sint, agnoscat et recipiat, qui Deum sub humana forma agnoscunt et colunt, quoniam Deus sub humana forma est Dominus: et quia Dominus incolis in Telluribus in forma angelica, quae est forma humana, apparet, ideo cum Spiritus et Angeli ex illis Telluribus audiunt a nostrae telluris Spiritibus et Angelis, quod Deus actualiter Homo sit, recipiunt id Verbum, agnoscunt, et gaudent quod ita sit.

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