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《宇宙星球》 第120节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 120

120. On all other planets, divine truth is revealed directly by spirits and angels, as I have described above [65, 71, 73, 98] in discussing the inhabitants of planets in our solar system. This takes place within families, though, for on most planets humankind lives in separate families. This means that the divine truth revealed in this way through spirits and angels does not spread much beyond the family in which it was received, and if new revelations were not constantly occurring, the truth would become distorted or be lost. It is different on our planet, though, where the divine truth that is the Word remains in its integrity forever.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 120

120. In every other world Divine truth is made known by word of mouth by means of spirits and angels, as I said earlier when reporting on the inhabitants of the worlds of this solar system. But this is restricted to family groups, for in most worlds the human race lives apart divided into families. Divine truth so revealed by means of spirits and angels does not therefore spread far beyond family groups, and unless renewed by a succession of revelations it is perverted or lost. In our world it is different, for here Divine truth, which is the Word, remains intact in perpetuity.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 120

120. In every other earth Divine truth is manifested by word of mouth through spirits and angels, as was said above in speaking of the inhabitants of the earths of this solar system. But this manifestation is confined within families; for the human race in most earths live distinct according to families; wherefore the Divine truth thus revealed through spirits and angels is not conveyed far beyond the limits of families, and unless a new revelation constantly succeeds, truth is either perverted or perishes. It is otherwise on our earth, where the Divine truth, which is the Word, remains for ever in its integrity.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 120 (original Latin)

120. In omni alia Tellure manifestatur Verum divinum oretenus per Spiritus et Angelos, sicut in praecedentibus, ubi de Incolis Tellurum in solari hoc mundo, dictum est, sed hoc fit intra familias; nam humanum genus in plerisque Telluribus distinctum habitat secundum familias; quapropter Verum divinum per Spiritus et Angelos ita revelatum non transfertur longe ultra familias, et nisi jugiter succedat nova Revelatio, id pervertitur vel perit: aliter in nostra Tellure, ubi divinum Verum, quod est Verbum, manet in sua integritate in perpetuum.

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