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《宇宙星球》 第125节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  125、凡不知道天堂奥秘的人无法相信人竟然能看到如此遥远的星球,并讲述通过感官经历所获知有关它们的任何事。但要让他知道,自然界的空间、距离,以及由此而来的移动,就其起源和第一因而言,是内层状态的变化;对天使和灵人来说,正是这些变化决定了空间和距离的表象。从一个状态转变到另一个状态就会赋予他们从一个地方到另一地方,从一个星球到另一个星球,甚至到位于宇宙边缘的星球的表象。人的灵也能如此转变,而他的身体仍留在原处。这就是发生在我身上的事,因为蒙主的神性怜悯,我被允许作为一个灵与灵人交往,同时作为一个人与世人交往。感官人无法理解人能在灵里旅行,因为他受制于时空,并以这些术语来衡量他的移动。在来世,位置的移动、前进和变化是内在生命状态的变化;但它们仍向灵人和天使显现为真实的位置变化(AC 1273-1277, 1377, 3356, 5605, 10734)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 125

125. If you know nothing of heaven’s secrets, you might not be able to believe that anyone could see such distant planets or report anything about them on the basis of direct experience. Be aware, though, that spaces, distances, and consequently movement from place to place in the spiritual world 1are, in their origins and first causes, inner changes of state, and that to angels and spirits, these spaces, distances, and movements appear in accordance with those inner changes. 2Further, spirits and angels can by this means appear to be taken from one place to another and from one planet to another, even to planets that are at the edge of the universe. The spirit of a person in this world can also do this, even while the person’s body remains in the same place.

That is what has happened with me, since by the Lord’s divine mercy it has been granted to me to talk with spirits as a spirit and at the same time with people on earth as a person on earth. The fact that our spirit can travel in this way is not something sense-oriented people can grasp, because they are immersed in space and time and measure their journeys by these criteria.


1. The first edition here reads in mundo naturali, “in the physical world,” but the context of the rest of this passage, the author’s footnote to it, and the wider context of Swedenborg’s theology suggest that this should read in mundo spirituali, “in the spiritual world.” [JSR]

2. [Swedenborg note] In the other life, [what spirits and angels experience as] motion, travel, and changes of location are actually changes in the inner state of their lives, and yet the relocation appears to the spirits and angels to be perfectly real: 12731277, 1377, 3356, 5605, 10734.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 125

125. Anyone ignorant of the mysteries of heaven finds it impossible to believe that anyone can see worlds so remote, and report anything about them learned by the experience of the senses. But he should know that the spaces and distances, and therefore movements, to be found in the natural world are in their origin and first cause changes of state in interiors, and it is these which determine the appearance of space and distance for angels and spirits. 1Passing from one state to another gives them the appearance of passing from one place to another, and from one world to another, even to worlds on the edge of the universe. The same thing can happen to a person's spirit, while his body still remains fixed in its position. This is what happened to me, since by the Lord's Divine mercy I was allowed to associate with spirits as a spirit and at the same time with men as a man. Anyone who relies on his senses cannot understand how a person can travel in spirit, since he is restricted to time and space and measures his movements in those terms.


1. Motion, progress and change of place in the next life are changes in the state of inner life; they still appear as real to spirits and angels as if they were actually taking place (Arcana Caelestia 1273-1277, 1377, 3356, 5605, 10734).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 125

125. He who does not know the arcana of heaven, cannot believe that a man can see earths so distant, and relate anything about them from the experiences of the senses. But let him know that the spaces and distances, and thence the progressions in the natural world, are, in their origin and first cause, changes of the state of the interiors, and with angels and spirits appear according to these changes; 1and that thus they can by these changes be apparently transferred from one place to another, and from one earth to another, even to the earths which are at the end of the universe. So also may a man be transferred as to his spirit, his body still remaining in its place. Thus it has been done with me, since by the Divine mercy of the Lord it has been given me to have interaction with spirits as a spirit, and at the same time with men as a man. That a man can be so transferred as to his spirit, the sensual man cannot understand, since he is in space and time, and measures his movements according to them.


1. Movements, progressions, and changes of place in the other life are changes of state of the interiors of the life, and still they appear to spirits and angels as real changes of place (Arcana Coelestia 1273-1277, 1377, 3356, 5605, 10734).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 125 (original Latin)

125. Qui non sit arcana Coeli, non credere potest quod homo possit videre Tellures tam dissitas, et per experientiam sensualem aliquid de illis referre: sed sciat, quod spatia et distantiae, et inde progressiones, quae existunt in mundo naturali, in sua origine et prima causa sint mutationes status interiorum, et quod apud Angelos et Spiritus secundum eas apparent; 1et quod illi sic per eas apparenter transferri possint ab uno loco in alterum, et ab una tellure ad alteram, etiam ad tellures quae in fine universi; similiter etiam homo quoad suum spiritum, manente usque corpore ejus in suo loco. Ita mecum factum est; quoniam, ex divina Domini Misericordia, mihi datum est conversari cum spiritibus sicut spiritus, et simul cum hominibus sicut homo. Quod homo quoad spiritum ita transferri possit, sensualis homo non capere potest, quoniam is in spatio et in tempore est, et progressiones suas secundum illa mensurat.


1. Quod motus, progressiones, et mutationes loci in altera vita sint mutationes status interiorem vitae, et quod usque realiter appareant spiritibus et angelissicutactualiter sint, Arcana Coelestia 1273-1277, 1377, 3356, 5605, 10734.

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