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《宇宙星球》 第133节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 133

133. When I asked them about the sun of their solar system, which gives light to their planet, they said that the sun there looks fiery. When I showed them the size of the sun of our planet they stated that their sun was smaller. (Of course, to our eyes their sun is a star.) From angels as well I heard that their star is one of the smaller ones.

They added that from their planet they too see a star-studded sky and that there is a star larger than the rest that they see toward the west. I was told by a heavenly source that it is our sun.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 133

133. I asked them about the sun of their system which gives light to their world. They said that the sun there looks flame-coloured. When I pictured to them the size of the sun of our world, they declared that theirs was smaller; for their sun is to our eyes a star. I heard from angels that it is one of the smaller stars. They also said that the starry sky was visible from their world too, and a star larger than the rest is to be seen to the west of them. I was told from heaven that this is our sun.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 133

133. They were asked about the sun of their system, which illumines their earth. They said that the sun there appears flamy; and when I represented the size of the sun of our earth, they said that theirs is smaller; for their sun to our eyes is a star, and I was told by angels that it is among the smaller stars. They also said that the starry heaven is likewise seen from their earth, and that a star larger than the rest appears to them toward the west. I was told from heaven that this is our sun.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 133 (original Latin)

133. Interrogati sunt de Sole mundi eorum, qui illuminat Tellurem eorum, dicebant quod Sol ibi appareat flammeus; et cum magnitudinem Solis nostrae Telluris repraesentarem, ajebant, quod minor sit; nam Sol illis est coram nostris oculis Stella; et ab angelis audivi, quod esset Stella inter minores. Dicebant etiam, quod e tellure sua quoque coelum stelliferum videatur: quod Stella reliquis major appareat illis versus occidentem; dictum e coelo, quod illa sit noster Sol.

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