132. I was informed that in the universal human the inhabitants and spirits of that planet have to do with something in the spleen, and this was confirmed for me by an inflow into my spleen when they were talking with me.
132. I was informed that the inhabitants and spirits of that world answer in the Grand Man to something in the SPLEEN. Confirmation of this came from an influence I felt on the spleen while they were talking with me.
132. I was instructed that the inhabitants and spirits of that earth have reference in the Greatest Man to something in the spleen, of which I was confirmed by an influx into the spleen when they were speaking with me.
132. Instruebar, quod incolae et spiritus illius telluris referant in maximo Homine aliquid in LIENE, de quo confirmatus sum per influxum in Lienem, quum mecum loquebantur.