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《宇宙星球》 第136节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 136

136. Later I told some spirits from that planet about various things that exist on our planet, especially about our having sciences that others do not-astronomy, geometry, engineering, physics, chemistry, medicine, optics, philosophy. I also told them about technologies we have that are unknown elsewhere: for example, shipbuilding, metal casting, writing on paper, printing and publishing, and using books not only to communicate with others currently alive on our planet but also to preserve the written word thousands of years into the future. I told them that this has been done with the Word given us by the Lord, and that as a result revelation remains constant on our planet.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 136

136. To end with I talked with the spirits from that world about various achievements of our world. I told them especially about our possession of sciences unknown elsewhere, such as astronomy, geometry, mechanics, physics, chemistry, medicine, optics and philosophy. I went on to mention techniques unknown elsewhere, such as ship-building, the casting of metals, writing on paper, the diffusion of writings by printing, thus allowing communication with other people in the world, and the preservation for posterity of written material for thousands of years. I told them that this had happened with the Word given by the Lord, so that there was a revelation permanently operating in our world.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 136

136. Lastly I spoke with the spirits who were from that earth about various things on our earth, especially about there being sciences here which are not elsewhere, as astronomy, geometry, mechanics, physics, chemistry, medicine, optics, philosophy; and also arts, which are not known elsewhere, as those of ship-building, of casting metals, of writing upon paper, and of printing what is written by types, and so of communicating it to others on the earth, and also of preserving it for posterity for thousands of years; as I told them had been done with the Word which is from the Lord; and therefore there is a permanent Revelation on our earth.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 136 (original Latin)

136. Ultimo loquutus sum cum Spiritibus qui ex illa Tellure de variis in nostra Tellure, imprimis de eo quod Scientiae hic sint quae non alibi, ut Astronomica, Geometrica, Mechanica, Physica, Chymica, Medica, Optica, Philosophica; et praeterea Artes, quae non alibi cognitae, ut Naves construendi, Metalla fundendi, scribendi super chartis, et eadem vulgandi typis, et sic communicandi cum aliis in Tellure, etiam conservandi in posteritatem millium annorum, et quod ita factum sit cum Verbo quod a Domino, et quod ideo Revelatio constanter manens sit in nostra Tellure.

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