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《宇宙星球》 第140节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 140

140. I was told by some angels from our world that in the universal human the inhabitants and spirits of this planet have to do with keenness of vision, which is why they are seen on high, and that they actually are very sharp-sighted.

Because this is what they relate to and because they have such a clear sight of what is below them, in the course of our conversation I compared them to eagles, which fly high and see clearly far and wide. This upset them, though, because they thought I believed them to be predatory like eagles and therefore evil; but I replied that I was comparing them to eagles not as predators but rather as having clear sight.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 140

140. I was told by angels from our world that the inhabitants and spirits from that world answer in the Grand Man to ACUITY OF VISION, and that is why they are to be seen high up; they actually have exceedingly sharp sight. Since this was what they answered to, and they could see acutely what was below them, in course of conversation I actually compared them to eagles, flying high and keeping a sharp watch all round far and wide. But this made them indignant, as they thought I believed them to be like eagles in seeking prey, and thus to be wicked. But I replied that it was not as hunters but for their sharp sight that I had likened them to eagles.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 140

140. It was told me by the angels from our earth, that the inhabitants and spirits of that earth have reference in the Greatest Man to keenness of vision, and for this reason they appear on high, and that they are also exceedingly clear-sighted. Because they had reference to that, and because they saw very clearly what was beneath them, in talking with them I also compared them to eagles, which fly on high, and have a clear and wide vision around them. But at this they were indignant, supposing that I believed them to be like eagles as to rapine, and thus that they were evil. But I replied that I did not liken them to eagles as to rapine, but as to keenness of sight.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 140 (original Latin)

140. Dicebatur mihi ab Angelis e nostra Tellure, quod illius Telluris Incolae et Spiritus referrent in maximo Homine ACIEM VISUS, et quod ideo in alto appareant; et quod etiam sint acie admodum perspicaci. Quia id referebant, et quia perspicaciter videbant quae infra erant, inter loquendum etiam illos comparabam Aquilis, quae alte volant, ac perspicaciter et late circumspiciunt: sed ad haec indignati sunt, putantes quod crederem illos Aquilis similes quoad rapinam, et sic quod mali essent; sed respondebam, quod non assimilarem illos Aquilis quoad rapinam, sed quoad aciem visus.

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