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《宇宙星球》 第141节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  141、当被问及他们所拜的神时,他们回答说,他们拜一位既可见又不可见的神;可见的神具有人的形状,不可见的神没有任何形状。我从他们所说的话,以及传给我的思想观念发现,可见的神就是我们的主自己,他们也称祂为主。对此,我可以回答说,我们地球人也拜一位既不可见又可见的神;不可见的神被称为父,可见的神被称为主。但这二者为一,如祂自己所教导的;当时祂说,没有人看见过父的形像,但父与祂为一;凡看见祂的,就看见了父;父在祂里面,祂在父里面;所以这二者是一个位格里的神性。这些都是主的话(参看约翰福音5:37; 10:30; 14:7, 9–11)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 141

141. Asked about what God they worshiped, they answered that they worshiped a God both visible and invisible-a visible God in human form and an invisible God in no form at all. Both from what they said and from thought images they shared with me, I learned that their visible God was our Lord himself and that they too called him “the Lord.”

It occurred to me to respond that on our planet too a God both visible and invisible is worshiped; the invisible God is called “the Father,” and the visible God is called “the Lord.” The two are one, though, as the Lord himself taught when he said that people have never seen what the Father looks like, but that the Father and he are one, that those who see him see the Father, and that the Father is in him and he in the Father. So both divine attributes exist in one person.

To see that these are the words of the Lord himself, look at John 5:37; 10:30; 14:7, 9, 10, 11.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 141

141. When questioned about the God they worshipped, they replied that they worship a God who is visible and invisible; a God visible in human form and invisible without any form. I learned from what they said as well as from the ideas they were thinking about, which were shared with me, that their visible God was in fact our Lord; and they also called Him the Lord. To this I was able to reply that in our world too God is worshipped as invisible and visible, the invisible God being called the Father, and the visible God the Lord. But the two of them are one, as He taught us when He said that they had never seen the appearance of the Father, but the Father and He were one; anyone seeing Him saw the Father, and the Father was in Him and He was in the Father. Consequently both those Divinities were in one Person. These are the Lord's words; see John 5:37; 10:30; 14:7, 9-11.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 141

141. They were asked about the God whom they worshiped; and they answered that they worshiped God visible and invisible, God visible under the Human form, and God invisible not under any form; and it was found from their speech, and also from the ideas of their thought as communicated to me, that the visible God was our Lord Himself, and they also called Him Lord. To this it was given to reply, that on our earth also God is worshiped as invisible and as visible; and that God invisible is called the Father, and visible the Lord, but that the two are one, as He Himself taught, saying that no man hath ever seen the form of the Father, but that the Father and He are one; and that He who sees Him sees the Father; and that the Father is in Him, and He in the Father; consequently that the two are the Divine in one Person. That these are the words of the Lord Himself, may be seen in John, (5:37;10:30;14:7,9-11).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 141 (original Latin)

141. Interrogati sunt de Deo quem colerent, ad quod respondebant, quod colerent Deum visibilem et invisibilem, Deum visibilem sub Humana forma, ac Deum invisibilem non sub aliqua forma; et compertum est ex loquela eorum, et quoque ex ideis cogitationis eorum mecum communicatis, quod Deus visibilis esset Ipse noster Dominus, et quoque Ipsum vocabant Dominum. Ad haec respondere datum est, quod etiam in nostra Tellure colatur Deus invisibilis et visibilis, et quod Deus invisibilis dicatur Pater, et visibilis Dominus; sed quod uterque unum sint, sicut Ipse docuit, dicendo, quod speciem Patris nunquam viderint, at quod Pater et Ipse unum sint, et quod qui videt Ipsum videat Patrem, et quod Pater in Ipso et Ipse in Patre sit; consequenter quod utrumque id Divinum in una Persona sit. Quod illa Ipsius Domini verba sint, videatur Johannes 5:37; 10:30; 15:7, 9-10, 11.

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