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《宇宙星球》 第16节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 16

16. Because of their wealth of knowledge, spirits from Mercury have more pride than other spirits have, so they were told that no matter how much they know, there is infinitely more that they do not know, and if their knowledge kept increasing forever they still could not attain to even a rough notion of everything in general. They were told that they are susceptible to pride and to a high opinion of themselves, and that this is unseemly. They replied that it is not pride; it is just a glorying in their faculty of memory. So this is how they excuse their faults.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 16

16. The spirits of Mercury are more than usually proud of their knowledge. So they were told that, even though they knew countless facts, there is still an infinite number they do not know; and even if they went on increasing their knowledge for ever, they could still not achieve an acquaintance with all general principles. As for being proud and puffed up, they were told this was not proper. But they replied, by way of excusing their faults, that it was not pride, but merely boasting about the excellence of their memory.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 16

16. In consequence of their knowledges, the spirits of Mercury are more proud than others; wherefore they were told, that although they knew innumerable things, yet there are infinite things which they do not know; and that if their knowledges should increase to eternity, the notice even of all general things would still be unattainable. They were told likewise of their pride and elation of mind, and that this is unseemly; but they replied, that it is not pride, but only a glorying by reason of the faculty of their memory; thus they were able to excuse their faults.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 16 (original Latin)

16. Ex cognitionibus suis sunt spiritus Mercurii prae aliis fastuosi; quare illis dictum est, quod, licet 1innumera sciant, usque tamen infinita sint quae non sciunt; et si cognitiones apud illos in aeternum augerentur, quod ne quidem in notitiam omnium communium venire queant: quod illis fastus et elatio animi, dictum est, et quod hoc non deceat; sed responderunt, quod non fastus sit, sed modo gloriatio ex memoriae suae facultate: ita possunt naevos suos exculpare.

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