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《宇宙星球》 第18节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 18

18. I asked them whether they did not want to make some use of their knowledge, because taking delight in knowledge is not enough. After all, knowledge exists to serve some use, and usefulness has to be its goal. By itself what they know does them no good, I said, although it might be helpful to others, if these spirits were willing to share what they know. If someone wants to become wise, it is not at all effective to stay focused only on having knowledge, because knowledge is no more than an instrumental means that helps us in our search for the way we ought to live. They answered, though, that they truly enjoy learning and that for them it is in fact useful just to know things.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 18

18. They were asked whether they did not want to make some use of their knowledge, since it is not enough to take pleasure in knowledge, but this must serve a purpose, which is its end in view. Knowledge alone would not serve any purpose for them, but would for others, if they were willing to share their knowledge with them. They were told that anyone who wants to be considered wise ought never to stop at acquiring knowledge, since these are merely auxiliary causes intended to assist the discovery of matters that will affect behaviour. But they replied that they take pleasure in acquiring knowledge, and that is for them is its purpose.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 18

18. They were asked whether they wished to make any use of their knowledges; for it is not enough to be delighted with knowledges, because knowledges have respect to uses, and uses ought to be the ends of knowledges; from knowledges alone no use results to them, but to others with whom they are disposed to communicate their knowledges; and that it is very inexpedient for any one who wishes to be wise, to rest satisfied with mere knowledges, these being only administering causes, intended to be subservient to the investigation of things appertaining to life: but they replied, that they were delighted with knowledges, and that knowledges to them are uses.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 18 (original Latin)

18. Dicebatur illis, annon ex cognitionibus suis aliquem usum facere vellent, nam delectari cognitionibus non satis est, quia cognitiones spectant usus, et usus erunt fines; ex solis cognitionibus non illis est usus, sed aliis cum quibus cognitiones suas communicare velint, et quod nequaquam conveniat homini, qui sapiens vult esse, in solis cognitionibus subsistere, quia hae sunt modo causae administrae inserviturae indagandis rebus quae vitae erunt: sed responderunt, quod delectentur cognitionibus, et quod cognitiones illis usus sint.

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