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《宇宙星球》 第20节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 20

20. The spirits from Mercury are completely different from the spirits from our planet, because the spirits from our planet attach no value to anything except what is worldly, physical, and earthly-what is made of matter. This means that spirits from Mercury cannot be together with spirits from our planet; wherever they encounter spirits from our planet, they beat a hasty retreat. The spiritual auras that radiate from each are almost exactly opposite.

Spirits from Mercury are fond of saying that they have no interest in looking at the husk but only at things stripped of their husk-deeper things, that is.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 20

20. The spirits of Mercury are totally different from the spirits of our world, since these are not so much interested in ideas as in worldly, bodily and earthly matters, which are material objects. For this reason the spirits of Mercury are unable to associate with the spirits of our world, and wherever they meet them, they run away. The spiritual spheres which emanate from either party are more or less antagonistic. The spirits of Mercury claim that they do not wish to look at the wrapping, but the ideas stripped of their wrappings, that is, what is inside.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 20

20. The spirits of Mercury differ altogether from the spirits of our earth, for the spirits of our earth do not care so much about realities, but about worldly, corporeal, and terrestrial things, which are material; wherefore the spirits of Mercury cannot be together with the spirits of our earth, therefore wheresoever they happen to meet them, they flee away; for the spiritual spheres, which are exhaled from each, are almost contrary. The spirits of Mercury have a common saying, that they do not wish to look at a sheath, but at things stripped of their sheath, that is, at interior things.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 20 (original Latin)

20. Mercurii spiritus differunt prorsus a spiritibus nostrae telluris, nam spiritus nostrae telluris res non ita curant, sed mundanas, corporea et terrestria, quae sunt materialia; quapropter Mercurii spiritus cum nostrae telluris spiritibus non simul esse possunt, ideo ubicunque hos offendunt, aufugiunt; sphaerae enim spirituales, quae ex utrisque exhalatur, sunt paene contrariae. Spiritus Mercurii in ore ferunt, quod non spectare velint vaginam, sed res a vagina sua nudatas, ita interiora.

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