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《宇宙星球》 第26节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 26

26. Since they travel around the universe and are therefore in a position to know more than others about the solar systems and planets outside our own, I talked with them about this as well. They said that there were a great many planets in the universe with people on them. It bewildered them that some people (people they described as not having much sense) thought that the heaven of an omnipotent God could be made up of spirits and angels who came from one planet only, when in comparison with the omnipotence of God these were so few that they would amount to virtually nothing. In fact, this would be the case even if there were millions of solar systems and millions of planets. They went on to say that they knew many hundreds of thousands of [inhabited] planets in the universe-but still, what was that compared to the Divine, which is infinite?

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 26

26. Since they are travellers through the universe and so especially able to know about systems and worlds outside the solar system, I discussed this subject with them. They said that the universe contains very many worlds inhabited by human beings. They were surprised that anyone was what they called so lacking in judgment as to think that almighty God's heaven was composed of spirits and angels coming from one world, when compared with the omnipotence of God these were so few as to be hardly anything, even if there were many thousands of systems and many thousands of worlds. They went on to say that they knew of the existence of more than several hundred thousand worlds in the universe; and yet this is nothing to the infinite Deity.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 26

26. Because of their thus journeying through the universe, and thereby being enabled to know more than others respecting the worlds and earths out of the sphere of our solar system, I have also spoken with them on this subject. They said that in the universe there are very many earths inhabited by men; and that they wonder how any should suppose, whom they called men of little judgment, that the heaven of the omnipotent God consisted only of spirits and angels who come from one earth, when these comparatively are so few that in respect to the omnipotence of God they are scarce anything, even if there should be myriads of worlds, and myriads of earths. They said, moreover, that they knew there were earths existing in the universe to the number of some hundred thousands and upwards; and yet what is this to the Divine, which is infinite?

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 26 (original Latin)

26. Quia ita per universum vadunt, et inde pro aliis scire possunt de Mundis et Telluribus extra sphaeram Mundi nostri Solis, idcirco cum illis etiam de ea re loquutus sum; dicebant quod in Universo perplures essent Tellures, et ibi homines; et quod mirarentur quod aliqui putarent, quos exigui judicii homines vocabant, Caelum omnipotentis Dei solummodo constare ex Spiritibus et Angelis qui ex una Tellure veniunt, cum illi tam pauci sunt, ut respective ad Omnipotentiam Dei vix aliquid sint, etiam si forent myriades mundorum et myriades tellurum: porro dicebant, quod sciant Tellures in universo ultra aliquot centena millia dari; et tamen quid hoc ad Divinum quod infinitum.

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