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《宇宙星球》 第25节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  25、这个星球的灵人成群结队地到处走动,当聚集起来时,他们可以说形成一种球体。他们被主如此联结起来,以致他们行如一体,每个人的知识都与所有人共享,所有人的知识也与每个人共享,如在天堂那样。他们周游宇宙以获取事实知识,这一点通过以下事实向我显明:有一次,当他们似乎离我很远很远时,他们从那里与我说话,声称此时他们已聚集起来,正要到这个星系以外旅行,去往星空;他们知道在那里能找到诸如毫不关心世俗或肉体事物,只关心在它们之上的事物的那类灵人,他们想和这些人在一起。据说,他们自己也不知道要去往哪里,而是在神性指引下被领到那些他们能获知诸如他们尚不知道,但符合他们早就拥有的知识的那类事的地方。还据说,他们不知道如何找到能与之联结起来的同伴,这也靠着神性指引实现。在天上,各种良善都被共享,因为天上的爱与他人共享自己的一切;这就是天使智慧和幸福的源头(AC 549-50, 1390-1, 1399, 10130, 10723)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 25

25. The spirits from that planet travel in regiments in tight formation, and when they gather they form a kind of sphere. They are joined together by the Lord so closely that they act as one being; what each individual knows is communicated to all and what all know is communicated to each individual, just as happens in heaven. 1

How I learned that they travel throughout the universe to gather new knowledge was that on one occasion, when I saw them already at a fair distance from me, they communicated with me and said that they were now gathered together and were about to leave the region of this solar system to go out among the stars, where they knew there were people who had no concern for earthly, physical matters but only for matters on a higher level. These were people they wanted to be with.

They said that they themselves did not know where they were going but that they were being taken under the Lord’s supervision to a place where they could be taught things which they did not yet know, but which fit well with the knowledge they already had. They also said that they did not know how they had found the friends they were already connected to, but that this too had happened under the Lord’s supervision.


1. [Swedenborg note] See note e on 15.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 25

25. The spirits of that world go about in platoons and squadrons, and when they are assembled they form a kind of globe. They are so linked by the Lord that they act as one, and the knowledge of each is shared with all, and that of all with each individual, as happens in heaven. 1Another proof that they travel through the universe to acquire factual knowledge was afforded me by the fact that once, when they seemed to me a long way off, they spoke to me from there and said that they were then assembled and were travelling outside the system of this world into the starry heaven; they knew that there were to be found there people who care nothing for earthly or bodily matters, but ones above these, and it was these people with whom they wished to be. It was said that they do not know themselves where they are going, but by Divine guidance they are directed to places where they can learn about what they do not yet know, but which fits in with the knowledge they already have. It was also said that they do not know either how to find the companions who join them, but this too happens by Divine guidance.


1. In the heavens all kinds of goodness are shared, since heavenly love shares everything of its own with others; this is the source of their wisdom and happiness (Arcana Caelestia 549-550, 1390-1391, 1399, 10130, 10723).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 25

25. The spirits of that earth go in companies and phalanxes, and when assembled together, they form as it were a globe. Thus they are joined together by the Lord, that they may act in unity, and that the knowledges of each may be communicated with all, and the knowledges of all with each, as is the case in heaven. 1That they wander through the universe to acquire the knowledges of things, appeared to me also from this, that once, when they appeared very far from me, they discoursed with me thence, and said, that they were then gathered together, and journeying out of the sphere of this world into the starry heaven, where they knew such spirits existed as had no concern about terrestrial and corporeal things, but only about things elevated above them, with whom they wished to be. It was said, that they themselves do not know whither they are going, but that they are led from the Divine auspices to those places where they may be instructed concerning such things as they do not yet know, and which agree with the knowledges that they have already. It was also said, that they do not know how to find the companions with whom they are joined together, and that this also is done from the Divine auspices.


1. That in the heavens there is given a communication of all goods, inasmuch as it is the property of heavenly love to communicate all its possessions with others; and that hence the angels derive wisdom and happiness (Arcana Coelestia 549, 550, 1390, 1391, 1399, 10130, 10723).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 25 (original Latin)

25. Spiritus Telluris illius vadunt per cohortes et phalanges; et congregati sunt, formant quasi globum; ita a Domino conjunguntur ut unum agant, utque cognitiones cujuslibet communicentur cum omnibus, et cognitiones cum quolibet, sicut fit in caelo. 1Quod vagentur per universum, ut conquirant rerum cognitiones, constabat mihi etiam ex eo, quod semel, cum a me admodum remoti apparebant, loquerentur inde mecum, et dicerent, quod nunc congregati sint, et vadant extra sphaeram hujus mundi in Caelum stelliferum, ubi sciunt dari tales qui non curant terrestria et corporea, sed res ab illis elevatas, cum quibus esse volunt. Dicebatur, quod non sciant ipsi quo vadant, sed quod ex Auspicio divino ferantur illuc, ubi possunt instrui de talibus quae nondum sciunt, et quae cum cognitionibus, quas habent, conveniunt: dicebatur etiam, quod nec sciant quomodo inveniunt socios, cum quibus conjunguntur, et quod hoc quoque fiat ex Auspicio divino.


1. Quod in caelis detur communicatio omnium bonorum, quoniam amor caelestis communicat omnia sua cum aliis; et quod inde illis sapientia et felicitas, Arcana Coelestia 549, 550, 1390, 1391, 1399, 10130, 10723.

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