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《宇宙星球》 第34节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  34、此外,我还和他们谈论绵羊和羔羊,他们却不听,因为他们觉得这些事物都是地上的。这是因为他们不明白羔羊所表示的纯真是什么。我从以下事实发觉这一点,当我告诉他们说,羔羊在天上表示纯真时,他们立刻说,他们不知道纯真是什么,只知道纯真是一个词。这是因为他们只喜欢知识,却不喜欢功用,也就是知识的目的;因此,他们无法出于内在觉知知道何为纯真。在天堂和圣言中,羔羊表示纯真(AC 3994, 7840, 10132)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 34

34. I also talked with them about sheep and lambs, but they did not want to hear about things like that since they felt that they were earthly. This was because they did not understand what innocence means, which is what lambs represent. I found this out when I told them that the lambs that are represented in heaven mean innocence, 1and they said that they did not know what innocence was-they knew it only as a word. This was because they are interested only in conceptual knowledge and not in the useful functions that are the purposes of that knowledge, so they had no inner perception of what innocence is.


1. [Swedenborg note] In heaven and in the Word, lambs mean innocence: 3994, 7840, 10132.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 34

34. I also talked with them about sheep and lambs, but they would not listen, because they perceived such things as earthly. This was because they did not understand what innocence is, which is what lambs mean. I grasped this from their saying, when I told them that lambs in heaven mean innocence, 1that they knew innocence as a word, but not what it meant. This is because they are only fond of knowledge, not of the purposes which items of knowledge must serve; so neither were they able to know what innocence is by inward perception.


1. Lambs in heaven and in the Word mean innocence (Arcana Caelestia 3994, 7840, 10132).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 34

34. Moreover I spoke with them concerning sheep and lambs, but they were not willing to hear of such things, because they were perceived by them as things terrestrial. The reason was, because they did not understand what innocence is, which lambs signify, as was perceivable from this, that when I told them that lambs, represented in heaven, signify innocence, 1they immediately said that they did not know what innocence was, but only knew it as to the name; and this was because they are affected only with knowledges, and not with uses, which are the ends of knowledges, consequently they cannot know from internal perception what innocence is.


1. Lambs in heaven, and in the Word, signify innocence (Arcana Coelestia 3994, 7840, 10132).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 34 (original Latin)

34. Praeterea loquutus sum cum illis de Ovibus et Agnis, sed talia non volebant audire, quia ea illis percepta sunt ut terrestria: causa erat, quia non intelligebant quid Innocentia, quam Agni significant; quod apperceptum est ex eo, cum dicerem quod Agni in Coelo repraesentati significent Innocentiam, 1tunc dicebant, se non scire quid Innocentia, sed modo scire quoad vocem; causa est, quia modo cognitionibus, non autem usibus, qui sunt cognitionum fines, afficiuntur, ita nec scire possunt ex perceptione interna, quid Innocentia.


1. Quod Agni in Coelo et in Verbo significent Innocentiam, Arcana Coelestia 3994, 7840, 10132.

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