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《宇宙星球》 第33节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  33、后来,我给他们看了各种鸟的图片,既有大的也有小的,都是我们地球上所见的那种。因为在来世,这类事物能栩栩如生地呈现出来。一看到所展现的这些鸟,他们一开始想改变它们,但后来却以它们为乐,感到满意。这是因为鸟表示事物,一种他们凭着那时所感受到的流注而觉察到的事物的知识。所以他们不再使之变形以避免把它们带入记忆。再后来,我被允许在他们面前展现一个最漂亮的花园,里面挂满灯台和灯笼。于是,他们停顿下来,并将注意力集中起来,因为灯台和灯笼表示因良善而发光的真理。这清楚表明,他们能集中注意力观察物质事物,只要这些事物在属灵意义上的含义同时被暗示出来。事实上,属灵意义所传达的事物并非完全抽象,因为属灵意义要由这些物体来代表。鸟表示理性、聪明、思维、观念和认知的事物(AC 40, 745, 776, 778, 866, 988, 993, 5149, 7441)。这些照鸟的属和种而各不相同(AC 3219)。灯台和灯笼表示因良善而发光的真理(AC 4638, 9548, 9783)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 33

33. Somewhat later I showed them some larger and smaller birds, typical of the ones we have on our planet, since in the other life it is possible to present living images of such things. When they first saw these images of birds they tried to change them, but then they started enjoying them and became calmer. This was because birds mean knowledge of spiritual realities, and a perception of this meaning was flowing into them. 1So they stopped changing the images and blocking them from their memory.

After that I was allowed to show them a very beautiful garden with many oil lamps on stands. This time they paused and paid attention, because oil lamps on stands mean truths that shine because they reveal what is good. 2

I could see from this that they were able to stay focused on observations of material things, provided the meaning of those things on a spiritual level was suggested at the same time. This is because the things that are present in the Word’s spiritual meaning are not that distant from material things, since material things are used to represent them.


1. [Swedenborg note] Birds mean thoughts, ideas, spiritual knowledge, and things involving reason or understanding: 40, 745, 776, 778, 866, 988, 991, 5149, 7441; and this varies depending on the genus and species of the bird: 3219.

2. [Swedenborg note] Oil lamps on stands mean truths that shine because they reveal what is good: 4638, 9548, 9783.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 33

33. Later I showed them pictures of the kinds of birds, both large and small, to be found in our world. Lifelike pictures of such things can be shown in the next life. On seeing these birds pictured, at first they wanted to change them, but then they were pleased with them and became quiet. This was because birds mean the knowledge of facts, a thing they perceived by means of an influence they then felt. 1So they stopped changing them so as to avoid taking them into their memory. Later I was allowed to picture to them a most beautiful garden full of lamps and lanterns. Then they paused and their attention was caught, because lamps together with lanterns mean truths shining as the result of good. 2This made it plain that they could be kept watching material objects, so long as at the same time their meaning in the spiritual sense was hinted at. What is conveyed by the spiritual sense is not completely abstract, since it is represented by these objects.


1. Birds mean matters of reason and intellect, thoughts, ideas and cognitions (Arcana Caelestia 40, 745, 776, 778, 866, 988, 991 [993 in original], Arcana Caelestia 5149, 7441). These vary according to the genera and species of the birds (Arcana Caelestia 3219).

2. Lamps together with lanterns mean truths which good makes to shine (Arcana Caelestia 4638, 9548, 9783).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 33

33. Afterwards I represented to them birds of different sizes, both large and small, such as exist on our earth; for in the other life such things may be represented to the life. When they saw the birds represented, they at first wished to change them, but afterwards they were delighted with them and were satisfied. The reason was, because birds signify the knowledges of things, and the perception of this then flowed in also. 1Thus they desisted from transmuting them, and thereby from averting the ideas of their memory. Afterwards it was allowed to represent before them a most pleasant garden full of lamps and lights; then they paused, and their attention was fixed, for the reason that lamps with lights signify truths which shine from good. 2Hence it was made manifest that their attention might be fixed in viewing things material, if only the signification of those things in the spiritual sense was insinuated at the same time; for the things of the spiritual sense are not so abstracted from things material, since these are representatives of them.


1. Birds signify things rational, intellectual, thoughts, ideas, and knowledges (Arcana Coelestia 40, 745, 776, 778, 866, 988, 993, 5149, 7441). And this with variety according to the genera and species of birds (Arcana Coelestia 3219).

2. Lamps with lights signify truths shining from good (Arcana Coelestia 4638, 9548, 9783).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 33 (original Latin)

33. Postea repraesentabam illis volucres majores et minores, quales in nostra Tellure sunt: nam in altera vita repraesentari possunt talia ad vivum: cum volucres illas repraesentatas viderent, primum volebant illas mutare, sed dein delectabantur illis, et quiescebant; causa erat, quia volucres significant cognitiones rerum, cujus rei perceptio quoque tunc influebat; 1ita desistebant ab illis transmutandis, et sic ab ideis memoria suae avertendis. Postea repraesentare licebat coram illis amoenissimum Hortum plenum lampadibus et lucernis; tunc morabantur et detinebantur, ex causa quia lampades cum lucernis significant veritates quae lucent ex bono. 2Inde patuit, quod teneri potuerint in spectandis materialibus, modo simul insinuatur significatio illorum in sensu spirituali; quae enim sensus spiritualis sunt, a materialibus non ita abstracta sunt, quoniam sunt horum repraesentativa.


1. Quod aves significent rationalia, intellectualia, cogitationes, ideas, cognitiones, Arcana Coelestia 40, 754, 776, 778, 886, 988, 993, 5149, 7441. Et hoc cum varietate secundumaviumgenera et species, Arcana Coelestia 3219.

2. Quod lampades cum lucernis significent veritates quae lucent ex bono, Arcana Coelestia 4638, 9548, 9783.

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