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《宇宙星球》 第44节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 44

44. I wanted to know what the faces and bodies of the inhabitants of the planet Mercury looked like-whether they looked like ours. A woman was then presented before my eyes who looked similar in every way to the women of our planet. She had a beautiful face, though it was smaller than the faces of women of our planet; she was about the same height, but her body was more slender. Her head was covered with a piece of linen arranged rather casually but becomingly. I was also shown a man. He too was more slender than men from our planet. He was wearing a dark blue garment, very close-fitting, with no folds or protrusions anywhere. I was told that this was what the men of that planet looked like and how they dressed.

I was then shown what the bulls and cows of their cattle looked like, which in fact were not all that different from those of our planet-smaller, though, and somewhat close in appearance to does and bucks.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 44

44. Since I wished to know what the people of Mercury were like in face and body, whether they resemble people on our earth, a woman was displayed to my gaze, who was very much like women on earth. She had a comely face, but one smaller than women on our earth have. Her body too was more slender, though of similar height. She wore a linen scarf on her head, neatly but not elaborately arranged. A man was also displayed; he too had a more slender body than men of our world. He was wearing a dark blue garment, which fitted the body tightly, with no fold or protuberances on either side. I was told that this was the form and bodily habit of people belonging to that world. I also saw their species of oxen and cows; they were not very different from those in our world, only smaller. They looked in a way rather like hinds and stags.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 44

44. I was desirous to know what kind of face and body the men in the earth Mercury had, whether they were like the men on our earth. There was then presented before my eyes a woman exactly resembling the women in that earth. She had a beautiful face, but it was smaller than that of a woman of our earth; her body also was more slender, but her height was equal; she wore on her head a linen cap, which was put on without art, but yet in a manner becoming. A man also was presented to view, who was more slender in body than the men of our earth are. He was clad in a garment of dark blue color, closely fitted to his body, without any foldings or protuberances. It was said that such was the form of body and such the dress of the men of that earth. Afterwards there was presented to view a species of their oxen and cows, which indeed did not differ much from those on our earth, but were smaller, and in some degree approached to species of hinds and deer.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 44 (original Latin)

44. Desiderabam scire, qua facie et corpore sunt homines in Tellure Mercurii, num similes hominibus in nostra; tunc sistebatur coram oculis meis foemina prorsus similis illis quae in tellure; illa erat pulchra facie, at minore quam foeminis nostrae telluris; corpore etiam gracilior erat, sed altitudine aequali; capite erat amicta linteo non arte posito, sed usque decenter: sistebatur etiam vir, qui quoque erat corpore graciliore, quam sunt viri nostrae telluris; ille indutus erat veste obscure caerulea, ad corpus stricte aptata, absque plicis et prominentiis hinc inde: dictum quod homines illius telluris tali forma et habitu corporis essent. Sistebantur dein species eorum boum et vaccarum, quae quidem non multum differebant ab illis in nostra tellure, sed minores erant, et quodammodo accedebant ad speciem cervarum et cervorum.

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