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《宇宙星球》 第45节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 45

45. I also asked them what the sun of our solar system looked like from their planet. They said that it looked huge, larger than it does when seen from other planets. They said they had learned of this contrast from seeing the mental image of the Sun that the spirits from other planets had.

They went on to say that their climate was moderate, not too hot or too cold. It occurred to them to add that the Lord saw to it that their planet should not be too hot for them even though it was nearer the Sun than others, since the heat we feel depends not on our proximity to the Sun but on the depth and therefore the density of the atmosphere where we are, as we can see from the coolness felt on high mountains even in places where the climate at lower altitudes is hot. There is also the fact that the temperature varies with the angle of incidence of the Sun’s rays, as we can see from the seasons of summer and winter that each region goes through.

This is what it has been granted to me to know about the spirits and inhabitants of the planet Mercury.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 45

45. They were also asked what the sun of our world looks like from their world. They assured me that it was large and looked bigger there than from other worlds. They said they knew this by reference to the idea other spirits had of the sun. They went on to say that their climate was temperate, neither too hot nor too cold. I was allowed to tell them that this was the Lord's providence, to prevent an excess of heat due to their world being nearer the sun than the other planets. Heat is not the result of proximity to the sun, but depends on the thickness and density of the atmosphere, as is plain from high mountains being cold even in hot climates. Temperature is also regulated by the directness or obliquity of the incidence of the sun's rays, as is evident from the seasons of winter and summer in any one region.

This what I have been allowed to learn about the spirits and inhabitants of the world of Mercury.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 45

45. They were also asked about the sun of the world, how it appears from their earth. They said that it appears large, and larger there than when seen from other earths, and they said they knew this from the ideas of other spirits concerning the sun. They said further that they enjoy a middle temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. It was then granted me to tell them, that it was so provided of the Lord in regard to them that they should not be exposed to too much heat by reason of their greater nearness to the sun, inasmuch as heat does not arise from the sun's nearness, but from the altitude and density of the atmosphere, as appears from the cold on high mountains even in hot climates; also that heat is varied according to the direct or oblique incidence of the sun's rays, as is plain from the seasons of winter and summer in every region. These are the things which it was given me to know concerning the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Mercury.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 45 (original Latin)

45. Interrogati etiam sunt de Sole mundi, qualiter ille ex tellure illorum apparet; ajebant quod magnus, et quod major ibi appareat quam ex aliis telluribus; dicebant hoc se scire ex idea aliorum spirituum de sole. Ulterius dicebant, quod temperies illis esset media, nec calida nimis nec frigida; dicere illis tunc dabatur, quod ita provisum sit illis a Domino, ut non illis nimius calor ex eo quod Tellus illorum propinquior Soli esset quam tellures aliae, quoniam calor non venit ex propinquitate ad solem, sed ab athmosphaerae aereae altitudine et densitate, ut patet a frigore super montibus altis etiam in climatibus calidis; tum quoque quod calor varietur secundum radiorum solis incidentiam rectam et obliquam, ut patet a temporibus hyemis et aestatis in unaquavis regione. Haec sunt quae de Spiritibus et Incolis telluris Mercurii datum est scire.

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