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《宇宙星球》 第57节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 57

57. When the inhabitants of that planet lie down in their beds they turn their face inward, toward the center of the room, rather than outward, toward the wall. Their spirits told me this and explained the reason. They do this because they see it as turning their face toward the Lord; if they face the wall they see it as turning away from the Lord. The idea [that I should face away from the wall] had occurred to me at times when I was in bed, but before this conversation I had no idea why.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 57

57. When the inhabitants of that world lie in their beds, they face forwards into the room, not backwards towards the wall. This was told me by their spirits, who gave the reason that they believe that by doing this they are facing the Lord, and turning their face away from Him if they turn their backs. Such an idea had several times occurred to me while I was in bed, but I did not know before from where it came.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 57

57. When the inhabitants of that earth lie in bed, they turn their faces forward, or towards the chamber, but not backward, or towards the wall. This was told me by their spirits, who said the reason is, that they believe that in turning the face forward they turn it to the Lord, but if they turn it backward they avert it from the Lord. I have sometimes observed, in regard to myself, whilst I was in bed, such a direction of the face; but never knew before whence it was.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 57 (original Latin)

57. Quando Incolae telluris illius cubant in lecto, convertunt faciem suam antrorsum seu in conclave, non autem retrorsum seu ad parietem: hoc mihi spiritus illorum narrabant, et dicebant causam, quod credant se faciem sic ad Dominum vertere, si autem retrorsum quod illam averterent. Tale mihi aliquoties obvenerat, cum essem in lecto, sed unde id non prius sciveram.

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