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《宇宙星球》 第56节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 56

56. The ones who live in the tropical regions of that planet go naked except for a loincloth. They are not embarrassed by nudity, since their minds are chaste. They love only their spouses, and loathe acts of adultery. They were very surprised that when spirits from our planet hear that they walk like that and go naked, the spirits from our planet snicker and think lewd thoughts, giving no attention to their heavenly way of life but only to that sort of thing. The spirits from Jupiter said this was an indication that we are concerned more with bodily and worldly things than with heavenly ones and that our minds are obsessed with filthy thoughts. The spirits from Earth were told that nudity is neither shameful nor scandalous to people who lead lives that are chaste and innocent, though it is both of these things to people who lead lives that are lewd and sexually unclean.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 56

56. Those of them who live in warm climates go naked apart from a loin-cloth; and they are not ashamed of their nakedness, because their minds are chaste, and they love none but their wives or husbands and loathe adultery. They were extremely surprised that the spirits of our world, on hearing that they walked like that and went naked, made fun of them and had lewd thoughts; also that they had no care for their life in heaven, but were only interested in matters of this kind. They said it was a sign that they care more for the things of the body and the earth than for those of heaven, and their minds are filled with improper thoughts. They told them that nakedness was no cause for embarrassment or scandal to those who live chastely in a state of innocence, but only to those who delight in lewdness and obscenity.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 56

56. They who live in their warm climates go naked, except with a covering about the loins; nor are they ashamed of their nakedness, for their minds are chaste, and they love their consorts only, and abhor adultery. They wondered exceedingly that the spirits of our earth, who on hearing of their method of walking, and also that they were naked, ridiculed it, and had lascivious thoughts, without attending at all to their heavenly life, but only to such things. They said that this was a sign that things corporeal and terrestrial were of more concern to them than heavenly things, and that things of an indecent nature had place in their minds. Those spirits of our earth were told that nakedness gives no occasion either of shame or of scandal to such as live in chastity and a state of innocence, but only to such as live in lasciviousness and immodesty.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 56 (original Latin)

56. Qui in Zonis illorum calidis vivunt, nudi vadunt, usque tamen cum velamine circum lumbos, nec erubescunt nuditatem, nam mentes illorum castae sunt, nec amant nisi conjuges, et adulteria abhorrent. Maxime mirati sunt, quod spiritus nostrae Telluris, cum audirent illos ita ambulare, et quoque esse nudos, subsannarent, et cogitarent lascive; et quod prorsus nihil attenderint ad vitam illorum coelestem, sed modo ad talia: dicebant, quod hoc signum sit, quod corporea et terrestria prae coelestibus curae illis sint, et quod indecentia occupent mentes. Dictum est illis, quod nuditas non pudori sit nec scandalo illis qui in castitate et statu innocentiae vivunt, sed quod illis qui in lascivia et impudicitia.

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