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《宇宙星球》 第59节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 59

59. I was also shown their homes. They are simple wooden structures, but paneled inside with light blue bark and dotted with little stars all around and overhead to resemble the sky. This is because they want to bring into their homes an image of the sky with its stars, since they believe the stars are the dwellings of angels.

They also have tents, which are domed and oblong. These too are dotted with little stars on a blue background. The inhabitants gather there in the daytime to prevent their faces from being damaged by the heat of the sun. They take great care in assembling and cleaning these tents. These are also where they eat.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 59

59. I was also shown their dwellings. They are low, built of wood, but lined inside with bark or cork of a light blue colour, studded all round and above with small stars to resemble the sky. They want to give their homes the appearance of the sky with its constellations. This is because they think of the constellations as the dwellings of angels. They also have tents with rounded tops and elongated in plan, these too studded with small stars inside on a blue background. They shelter in them during the day to prevent their faces getting sunburnt. They take a lot of trouble over making these tents and keeping them clean. They also use them for eating.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 59

59. Their habitations were also shown me. They are low and of wood, but within they are lined with the bark or rind of a tree of a palish blue color, the walls and ceiling being spotted as with small stars, to represent the heavens; for they are fond of thus picturing the visible heavens and stars in the insides of their houses, because they believe the stars to be the abodes of angels. They have also tents, which are round above, and stretched out to a considerable length, spotted likewise within with little stars in a blue plane; in these they betake themselves in the middle of the day, lest their faces be injured from the heat of the sun. They take great care in the construction and in the cleanliness of these their tents. They have also their meals in them.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 59 (original Latin)

59. Habitacula illorum etiam mihi ostensa sunt; sunt humilia ex ligno, sed intus circuminducta libro seu cortice albe caeruleo, ac circumcirca et supra punctata sicut stellulis ad imaginem coeli; nam volunt intus inducere domibus suis instar coeli aspectabilis cum suis sideribus; causa est, quia sidera credunt domicilia Angelorum esse. Habent etiam Tentoria, quae superne rotundata sunt, ac protensa in longum, etiam intus punctata stellulis in plano caeruleo; in illa se conferunt interdiu, ne ab aestu solis laedantur facies illorum: illorum multa cura est, Tentoria haec sua formare et mundare: in illis etiam comedunt.

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