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《宇宙星球》 第6节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 6

6. There are some spirits whose sole interest is in gathering information. Since nothing else gives them pleasure, they are allowed to travel around even to other solar systems beyond this one and acquire knowledge for themselves. They have reported that not only are there planets within this solar system that are inhabited, there are inhabited planets around other stars as well, in fact a huge number of them.

The spirits who learned this were from the planet Mercury.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 6

6. There are spirits whose sole interest is in acquiring knowledge, for this is the only thing that gives them pleasure. These spirits are therefore allowed to travel around, and also to go outside the solar system and visit others to acquire knowledge. They told me that there are worlds inhabited by human beings not only in this solar system, but beyond it in the starry sky, and in countless numbers. These spirits come from the planet Mercury.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 6

6. There are spirits whose sole study is to acquire to themselves knowledges, because they are delighted only with knowledges. Therefore these spirits are permitted to wander about, and even to pass out of this solar system into others, and to procure for themselves knowledges. They have declared that there are earths inhabited by men, not only in this solar system, but also out of it in the starry heaven, to an immense number. These spirits are from the planet Mercury.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 6 (original Latin)

6. Sunt Spiritus quorum unicum studium est, sibi acquirere cognitiones, quia illis solis delectantur; illis Spiritibus ideo licet circumvagari, et quoque extra hujus Solis mundum transire in alios, ac sibi cognitiones comparare: hi dixerunt, quod non solum sint Tellures, super quibus homines, in hoc solari Mundo, sed etiam extra eum in Caelo astrifero, immenso numero. Hi Spiritus sunt ex Planeta Mercurii.

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