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《宇宙星球》 第5节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  5、此外,天使天堂如此浩大,以致它与人体的每一个部分相对应,成千上万个个体对应于每一个肢体、器官和内脏,还对应于各自的每种情感。我蒙允许得知,就其一切对应而言,该天堂若不凭借众多星球上的居民,是绝无可能存在的。天堂与主对应,人就其每一个细节而言,与天堂对应,以致在主眼里,天堂就是一个规模宏大的人,可称作巨人(AC 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625)。关于人及其所属一切事物与巨人,也就是天堂的这种对应关系,已通过记事被大体描述出来(AC 3021, 3624-3649, 3741-3751, 3883-3896, 4039-4051, 4215-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4527-4533, 4622-4633, 4652-4660, 4791-4805, 4931-4953, 5050-5061, 5171-5189, 5377-5396, 5552-5573, 5711-5727, 10,030)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 5

5. Not only that, the angelic heaven is as vast as it is in order to correspond to 1the details of the human body, 2and there are millions of details involved in each of its members, organs, and viscera and in every condition it goes through. I have been given to understand that, seen in the light of these correspondences, heaven could not exist at all if it did not consist of people from a great many different planets. 3


1. “Correspondence” (correspondentia) is the causal relationship between higher (spiritual) and lower (material) levels of reality. On this topic, see note 12 in New Jerusalem 1. [Editors]

2. The Latin word here translated “human body” is hominem, literally, “person” or “human being.” This is a reference to the concept of the universal human, on which see note 6 in Last Judgment 9. [GFD]

3. [Swedenborg note] Heaven corresponds to the Lord, and a human individual in every detail corresponds to heaven, so in the Lord’s sight heaven in its full representation is a human being, and should be referred to as the universal human: 2996, 2998, 36243649, 37413745, 4625. An overview from personal experience of the way in which a human in all respects corresponds to the universal human that is heaven: 3021, 36243649, 37413750, 38833896, 40394055, 42184228, 43184331, 44034421, 45274533, 46224634, 46524660, 47914805, 49314953, 50505062, 51715189, 53775395, 55525573, 57115727, 10030.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 5

5. Moreover, the heaven of angels is so immense that it answers to every single part of the human body, ten of thousands of individuals to every single member, organ and internal part, and to every one of its affections. I have been allowed to know that there is no way that such a heaven with all its correspondences could have come into existence without drawing on the inhabitants of very many worlds. 1


1. Heaven has a correspondence to the Lord, and a human being has in every detail a correspondence to heaven, so that in the Lord's eyes heaven is a man on the grand scale, and may be called the Grand Man (Arcana Caelestia 2996, 2998, 3624-3649 [original adds 3636-3643], Arcana Caelestia 3741-3745, 4625). The whole subject of the correspondence of man and all his parts to the Grand Man who is heaven has been described from experience (Arcana Caelestia 3021, 3624-3649, 3741-3750 [3741 in original], Arcana Caelestia 3883-3896, 4039-4055 [4051 in original], Arcana Caelestia 4218-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4523-4533 [from 4527 in original], Arcana Caelestia 4622-4633, 4652-4660, 4791-4805, 4931-4953, 5050-5061, 5171-5189, 5377-5396, 5552-5573, 5711-5727, 10030).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 5

5. Moreover, the angelic heaven is so immense, that it corresponds with all the particulars with man, myriads corresponding to every member, organ, and viscus, and to every affection of each; and it has been given to know, that this heaven, as to all its correspondences, can by no means exist, except from the inhabitants of very many earths. 1


1. Heaven corresponds to the Lord, and man as to each and all things corresponds to heaven, and hence heaven, before the Lord, is a man in a large effigy, and may be called the Greatest Man (Arcana Coelestia 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625). Concerning the correspondence of man, and of all things pertaining to him, with the Greatest Man, which is heaven, in general, from experience (Arcana Coelestia 3021, 3624-3649, 3741-3751, 3883-3896, 4039-4051, 4218-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4527-4533, 4622-4633, 4652-4660, 4791-4805, 4931-4953, 5050-5061, 5171-5189, 5377-5396, 5552-5573, 5711-5727, 10030).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 5 (original Latin)

5. Praeterea Caelum angelicum tam immensum est, ut correspondeat singulis apud hominem, et myriades cuivis Membro, Organo, et Visceri, et cuivis ejus affectioni; et scire datum est, quod Coelum illud quoad omnes suas Correspondentias nequaquam existere possit nisi ex Incolis permultarum Tellurum. 1


1. Quod Caelum correspondeat Domino, et quod homo quoad omnia et singula caelo, quod inde Caelum coram Domino sit in magna effigie Homo, et vocandum Maximus Homo, Arcana Coelestia 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3636, 3643, 3741-3745, 4625. De correspondentia hominis et omnium ejus cum Maximo Homine, qui est Caelum, in summa, ab experientia, 3021, 3624-3649, 3741-3751, 3883-3896, 4039-4051, 4218-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4527-4533, 4622-4633, 4652-4660, 4791-4805, 4931-4953, 5050-5061, 5171-5189, 5377-5396, 5552-5573, 5711-5727, 10030.

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