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《宇宙星球》 第83节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  83、他们被带入的天堂出现在他们星球的右边,因而与我们地球天使的天堂隔离。这个天堂的天使身穿点缀着小金星的闪亮蓝衣。这是因为他们在世时就喜欢这种颜色。他们还认为,这是最为属天的颜色,主要因为他们处于对应于这个颜色的爱之良善。略带红色或火焰色的蓝色对应于属天之爱的良善;略带白色或闪光的蓝色对应于属灵之爱的良善(AC 9868)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 83

83. The heaven into which they are taken up can be seen to the right of their planet and therefore separate from the heaven of the angels from our planet. The angels in their heaven are seen to be dressed in brilliant blue, studded with golden stars. This is because they had loved that color in the world and believed it to be absolutely heavenly, especially because they are devoted to the particular kind of good and loving actions to which this color corresponds. 1


1. [Swedenborg note] Blue that contains a flamelike red corresponds to good actions that are motivated by heavenly love, while blue that contains a shining white corresponds to good actions that are motivated by spiritual love: 9868.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 83

83. The heaven into which they are taken is to be seen to the right of their world, so separated from the heaven of angels from our world. The angels in that heaven appear dressed in bright blue studded with small gold stars. This is because they were fond of that colour while in the world. They also believed it to be the most heavenly colour, especially because they are in a state of good of love corresponding to that colour. 1


1. Blue tinged with red or flame colour corresponds to the good of celestial love; blue tinged with white or a shining look corresponds to the good of spiritual love (Arcana Caelestia 9868).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 83

83. The heaven into which they are taken, appears on the right of their earth, thus apart from the heaven of the angels of our earth. The angels who are in that heaven appear clothed in shining blue, dotted with small golden stars, and this because they loved that color in the world. They also believed that it was the veriest celestial color, chiefly because they are in such good of love as that color corresponds to. 1


1. Blue from red or flame corresponds to the good of celestial love, and blue from white or light corresponds to the good of spiritual love (Arcana Coelestia 9868).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 83 (original Latin)

83. Coelum, in quod auferuntur, apparet a dextro ad tellurem eorum, ita separatum a coelo angelorum nostrae telluris. Angeli, qui in illo coelo, apparent induti caeruleo splendente aureis stellulis punctato; et id ex causa, quia in mundo amaverunt illum colorem; crediderunt etiam eum esse ipsissimum coelestem, imprimis quia in tali bono amoris sunt, quali ille color correspondet. 1


1. Quod Caeruleum ex rubro seu flammeo correspondeat bono amoris coelestis: et caeruleum ex albo seu lucido correspondeat bono amoris spiritualis,Arcana Coelestia 9868.

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