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《宇宙星球》 第89节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 89

89. On one occasion, when some spirits from Mars were with me and were occupying the aura generated by my mind, some spirits from our planet came along with the intention of filling the same space. As they did so, though, the spirits from our planet became insane, because they were completely out of place. In the universal human, spirits from our planet play the role of the outer senses. They focus their attention on the world and themselves, while the spirits from Mars focus their attention away from themselves, on heaven and their neighbor; this was why there was opposition between the two groups. However, some angelic spirits from Mars arrived then and brought all communication between the groups to an end, so the spirits from our planet left.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 89

89. On one occasion when the spirits of Mars were with me and had taken over the sphere in which my mind operates, some spirits from our world arrived and wanted to make their way into the same sphere. But this caused the spirits of our world to go mad, because they were totally unsuited to it. The spirits of our world answer in the Grand Man to external sense, so that their ideas were directed towards the world and themselves, but those of Mars had their ideas directed towards heaven and the neighbour. This was the cause of the conflict. But then angelic spirits of Mars arrived, who by their arrival broke off communication, so that the spirits of our world departed.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 89

89. Once when the spirits of Mars were with me, and occupied the sphere of my mind, some spirits from our earth came and wished to infuse themselves also into that sphere. But then these spirits from our earth became as it were insane, for the reason that they did not at all agree. For the spirits of our earth in the Greatest Man have reference to the external sense, and thus they were in an idea turned to the world and to self, while the spirits of Mars were in an idea turned from self to heaven and to the neighbor; hence there was contrariety. But angelic spirits of Mars then came, and at their approach communication was taken away, and so the spirits of our earth withdrew.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 89 (original Latin)

89. Quondam cum spiritus Martis apud me essent, et occuparent sphaeram mentis meae, adveniebant Spiritus e nostra Tellure, et se quoque in sphaeram illam infundere volebant: sed tunc Spiritus nostrae Telluris facti sunt sicut insani ex causa, quia prorsus non conveniebant; Spiritus enim nostrae Telluris in maximo Homine referunt Sensum externum, inde erant hi in idea versa ad mundum et ad se, spiritus autem Martis in idea versa a se ad coelum et ad proximum; inde erat contrarietas: sed tunc adveniebant Spiritus Angelici Martis, ex quorum adventu communicatio adempta est; et sic Spiritus nostrae Telluris recesserunt.

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