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《宇宙星球》 第88节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  88、我被指教,火星灵在巨人中与理解力和意愿之间的中间之物有关,也就是与基于情感的思维有关;他们当中最好的则与思维的情感有关。正因如此,他们的脸和思维行如一体,他们无法在任何人面前装模作样。由于他们在巨人中与此有关,所以大脑和小脑之间的中间区域与他们相对应。对那些大小脑在属灵功能上被联结的人来说,脸与思维行如一体,以致其思维的实际情感从他们的脸闪耀出来,由他们的情感所产生的思维的大致变化通过也从眼睛发出的迹象显示出来。因此,当他们与我同在时,我能清楚感觉到我脑袋的前面部分被拉向后枕骨,也就是说,大脑被拉向小脑。古时,我们地球上的人类从小脑接受流注;那时,脸与人的内在情感行如一体。但后来,当人们开始在脸上掩饰并伪装自己没有感觉到的情感时,他们就从大脑接受流注。关于随着时间推移,他们的脸所经历的变化,可参看《属天的奥秘》(AC 4325-4328)一书。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 88

88. I have been informed that in the universal human, spirits from Mars relate to the connection between the understanding and the will, and therefore to thoughts that arise from a feeling; and the best of them relate to the feeling behind the thoughts. This is why their facial expressions act as one with their thinking and they are incapable of pretending otherwise to anyone.

Since that is what they are associated with in the universal human, the region that corresponds to them is the one that is between the cerebrum and the cerebellum. 1When the spiritual functioning of the cerebrum and of the cerebellum are united in people, their face acts in unison with their thoughts. Their face reveals the emotion behind what they are thinking, and that emotion, along with certain clues given off by the eyes, conveys the general tenor of their thinking. As a result, whenever these spirits were near me I actually felt as if the front of my head were being pulled toward the back, that is, the cerebrum were being pulled toward the cerebellum. 2


1. The cerebrum (Latin for “brain”) is the large upper and anterior portion of the brain; the cerebellum (Latin for “little brain”) is the smaller dorsally projecting portion of the brain between the back of the cerebrum and the brain stem. They are situated near one another, so closely in fact that the area “between the cerebrum and the cerebellum” is taken up mainly by space that allows for the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes the entire brain. But the exact part of the brain intended here is not clear. (Contrast the specific reference to the isthmus, a brain structure also “between the cerebrum and the cerebellum,” mentioned in Secrets of Heaven 5189:3.) In any event, it can be said that in Secrets of Heaven 4326:2, Swedenborg associates the cerebellum with the involuntary display of a person’s emotions and disposition in the face; the cerebrum, by contrast, is the residence of the will, and tends to control facial expressions by the will’s deliberate choice so that one’s involuntary impulses and emotions are concealed (Secrets of Heaven 4326:3). For Swedenborg’s manuscripts on the cerebrum, unpublished during his lifetime, see Swedenborg 1976c; other earlier discussions of brain form and function can be found in Dynamics of the Soul’s Domain (= Swedenborg [1740-1741] 1955) and Draft on the Fiber (= Swedenborg 1976a). [JSR, SS]

2. [Swedenborg note] In ancient times on our planet, people’s faces were receptive to an inflow from their cerebellum; as a result, their faces reflected their inner emotions. Later, though, when people began to pretend and to use their facial expressions to counterfeit emotions they were not having, their faces became open to an inflow from their cerebrum. Information about changes in the way human faces operated over time: 43254328.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 88

88. I was informed that the spirits of Mars answer in the Grand Man to the middle term between the intellectual and the voluntary, that is, THINKING BASED UPON AFFECTION, and in the best of them THE AFFECTION OF THOUGHT. That is why their faces act as one with their thought, and they are unable to pretend to anyone. Since this is what they answer to in the Grand Man, the middle province between the cerebrum and the cerebellum corresponds to them. For those who have their cerebrum and their cerebellum linked as regards spiritual functions, have their faces acting in unison with their thinking, so that the actual affection of their thought shines out from their faces, and the general drift of their thinking resulting from their affection is displayed by signs which also proceed from the eyes. For this reason while they were with me, I could definitely feel the fore part of my head being pulled towards the back of the head, that is to say, the cerebrum being pulled towards the cerebellum. 1


1. People's faces in our world in ancient times were under the influence of the cerebellum; at that time faces behaved in concert with a person's inner affections. But later on the influence came from the cerebrum, when people began to lie and show in their faces pretended affections they did not feel. For the changes which their faces underwent in consequence as time went on see Arcana Caelestia 4325-8.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 88

88. I have been instructed that the spirits of Mars have reference in the Greatest Man to what is mediate between the intellectual and the voluntary faculties, thus to thought from affection; and the best of them to the affection of thought. It is for this reason that their face acts as one with their thought, and that they cannot dissemble before any one. And as they have reference to this in the Greatest Man, the middle province, which is between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, corresponds to them. For with those with whom the cerebrum and the cerebellum are conjoined as to spiritual operations, the face acts as one with the thought; so that the very affection of the thought shines forth from the face, and from the affection, with the aid of some signs going forth from the eyes, the general of thought shines forth. For this reason when the spirits of Mars were with me, I perceived sensibly a drawing back of the front part of the head toward the occiput, thus of the cerebrum toward the cerebellum. 1


1. Human faces on our earth in ancient times received influx from the cerebellum, and the faces then acted as one with the interior affections of man; but that afterward they received influx from the cerebrum, when man began to dissemble and counterfeit in the face affections not his own, and concerning the changes brought upon faces therefrom in process of time (Arcana Coelestia 4325-4328).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 88 (original Latin)

88. Instructus sum, quod Martis Spiritus in maximo Homine referant medium inter Intellectuale et Voluntarium, ita COGITATIONEM EX AFFECTIONE, qui optimi illorum sunt, AFFECTIONEM COGITATIONIS: inde est, quod facies illorum unum agat cum cogitatione illorum, nec coram aliquo simulare possint. Et quia illud in maximo Homine referunt, Provincia media, quae est inter Cerebrum et Cerebellum illis correspondet: nam apud quos Cerebrum et Cerebellum conjuncta sunt quoad operationes spirituales, apud illos facies unum agit cum cogitatione, sic ut e facie ipsa affectio cogitationis eluceat, et ex affectione, aliquibus signis ex oculis quoque prodeuntibus, commune cogitationis: quapropter cum apud me erant, sensibiliter appercepi retractionem anterioris partis capitis versus occiput, ita cerebri versus cerebellum. 1


1. Quod facies humanae in nostra Tellure antiquis temporibus influxum receperint ex Cerebello, et quod tunc facies cum affectionibus interioribus hominis unum egerint;sedquod postea receperint influxum ex Cerebro, quando homo coepit simulare ac mentiri facie affectiones non suas; de mutationibus faciebus inductis inde successu temporis, Arcana Coelestia 4325-4328.

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