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《宇宙星球》 第91节

(一滴水译本 2020)




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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 91

91. As for how the inhabitants of their planet view the Divine, they said that they acknowledge and revere our Lord, saying that he is the only God and that he rules both heaven and the universe. They said as well that all that is good comes from him and that he leads them, and also that he often appears among them on their planet. I was then allowed to say that Christians on our planet too know that the Lord rules heaven and earth because of the words of the Lord himself in Matthew, “All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18), but that our people do not believe it the way people from Mars do.

[2] They also told me that the inhabitants believe there is nothing but what is foul and hellish in themselves and that all that is good comes from the Lord. The spirits added that they themselves are actually devils but that the Lord lifts them out of hell and constantly keeps them out.

[3] On one occasion, when someone mentioned the Lord by name, I saw those spirits humble themselves so deeply and profoundly as to defy description. In that state of humility they were thinking that left to themselves they are in hell and are therefore utterly unworthy to look toward the Lord, because he is holiness itself. Because of their beliefs they were so completely immersed in these thoughts that they were no longer in possession of themselves, remaining down on their knees, full of these reflections, until the Lord lifted them up and brought them out of hell, so to speak. When they come out of a humble state like this they are filled with goodness and love, and therefore feel joy in their hearts.

As long as they are bowing themselves down in humility like this they will not turn their face toward the Lord. They do not dare. They turn away. The spirits who were around me said that they had never seen such humility.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 91

91. On the subject of Divine worship by the inhabitants of that world they said that they acknowledge and worship our Lord, calling Him the Only God, and the ruler of heaven and the universe; all good comes from Him, and He guides them. He is often to be seen by them in their world. I was then able to tell them that Christians in our world too know that the Lord is the ruler of heaven and earth from the Lord's own words in Matthew:

All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18.

But unlike those from the world of Mars, Christians do not believe this.

[2] They also said that they have a belief there, that there is nothing about them which is not filthy and hellish, and that all good is the Lord's. Indeed they went so far as to say that of themselves they are devils, and the Lord rescues them from hell, continually holding them back.

[3] Once when the Lord was named, I saw those spirits abase themselves so sincerely and deeply that I cannot describe it. Their self-abasement contained the thought that of themselves they were in hell, so that they were utterly unworthy of looking towards the Lord, who is holiness itself. This thought was so deeply planted in their belief that they were almost beside themselves, and it kept them on their knees until the Lord lifted them up, and then, as it were, rescued them from hell. On recovering from this self-abasement they are filled with good and love, which gives them heartfelt joy. When they abase themselves like this, they do not face towards the Lord, not daring to do so, but look away. The spirits who were around me said that they had never witnessed such self-abasement.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 91

91. Concerning the Divine worship of those that dwell on their earth, they said that they acknowledge and adore our Lord, saying that He is the Only God, and that He rules both heaven and the universe; and that all good is from Him, and that He leads them; also that He often appears with them on their earth. It was then granted to say to them, that Christians also on our earth know that the Lord rules heaven and earth, from the words of the Lord Himself in Matthew:

All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18)

but that they do not believe this as those who are from the earth Mars do. They said also that there they believe that there is nothing in them but what is filthy and infernal, and that all good is the Lord's, yea, saying further, that of themselves they are devils, and that the Lord draws them out of hell, and continually withholds them. Once when the Lord was named, I saw that those spirits humbled themselves so interiorly and profoundly as cannot be described; for in their humiliation they had the thought that they were of themselves in hell; and that so they were altogether unworthy to look to the Lord, Who is holiness Itself. They were so profoundly in that thought, from belief, that they were as if out of themselves; and they remained in it upon their knees until the Lord lifted them up, and then as it were drew them out of hell. When they thus come forth out of their humiliation, they are full of good and of love, and thence of joy of heart. When they so humble themselves, they do not turn their face to the Lord, for this they do not then dare to do, but turn it away. The spirits who were around me said that they had never seen such humiliation.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 91 (original Latin)

91. De cultu habitatorum terrae divino dicebant, quod Dominum nostrum agnoscant et adorent, dicentes quod Ipse sit Solus Deus, et quod Ipse regat et Coelum et Universum; quodque omne bonum ab Ipso sit, et quod Ipse illos ducat; tum quod apud illos in Tellure saepius appareat: illis tunc dicere dabatur, quod etiam Christiani in nostra Tellure sciant quod Dominus regat coelum et terram, ex Ipsius Domini verbis apud Matthaeum, "Data est Mihi omnis potestas in Coelo et in Terra," Matth. 28:18; sed quod id non credant sicut illi qui ex Tellure Martis. Dicebant etiam, quod ibi credant, quod apud illos nihil nisi quam spurcum et infernale sit, et quod omne bonum sit Domini; imo amplius dicebant, quod ex se sint diaboli, et quod Dominus ex inferno illos extrahat, et continue detineat. Quondam, cum nominabatur Dominus, vidi quod spiritus illi humiliarent se tam intime et profunde, ut describi nequeat: in humiliatione enim illis erat cogitatio, quod illi ex se in inferno sint, et quod sic prorsus indigni ut spectent ad Dominum, Qui Ipsum Sanctum est; in illa cogitatione ex fide ita profunde erant, ut essent quasi extra se, inque illa permanserunt super genubus, usque dum Dominus elevaret illos, et tunc quasi extraheret ab inferno; cum sic ex humiliatione emergunt, sunt pleni bono et amore, et inde gaudio cordis. Cum ita se humiliant, non faciem convertunt ad Dominum, hoc enim tunc non audent, sed avertunt. Spiritus qui circum me erant, dicebant quod talem humiliationem nusquam viderint.

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