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《宇宙星球》 第92节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 92

92. Some spirits from that planet were amazed that so many spirits from hell were around me and were even talking to me; but it came to me to reply that they were allowed to do this so that I could know what they are like, why they are in hell, and that it is a result of the kind of life they had led. I was also allowed to mention that many of them were people I had known when they lived in the world and that some of them had been appointed to very high positions and yet at the time had cared about nothing but the world. I added that it was impossible for any evil spirit, even the most hellish, to do me any harm, because I was constantly protected by the Lord. 1


1. For more on Swedenborg’s state of being protected by the Lord so that he could encounter evil spirits without being harmed, see Secrets of Heaven 59[2], 816, 968, 5863; Spiritual Experiences (= Swedenborg 1998-2013) 1246, 1864, 3893, 5976; Draft of “Supplements” 184 [Rogers’s numbering] = 186 [Potts’s numbering] (= Swedenborg 1997a, 127); Letter to Count Gustaf Bonde, August 11, 1760 (= Tafel 1877, 231-233). [LSW]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 92

92. Some of the spirits from that world were surprised that I was surrounded by so many spirits from hell, and that they too talked to me. But I was able to reply that they had this permission to enable me to know what they were like and why they were in hell, in fact, that this was the result of the life they had led. I was also able to say that there were many among them whom I had known during their lives in the world, some of them then holding high rank, but counting nothing dear but the world. I assured them that no wicked spirit, even the most hellish of them, could ever do me an injury, because I was constantly protected by the Lord.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 92

92. Certain spirits who were from that earth wondered that there were about me so many spirits from hell, and that they also spoke with me. But it was given to answer, that this was permitted them in order that I might know their quality, and why they are in hell, and that this is according to their life. It was also given to say that there were many among them whom I had known when they lived in the world, and that some were then established in great dignity, who yet had nothing but the world in their heart; but that no evil spirit, even the most infernal, could do me any harm, because I was continually protected by the Lord.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 92 (original Latin)

92. Mirabantur quidam Spiritus, qui ex illa Tellure, quod circum me essent tot spiritus ex inferno, et quod illi ad me quoque loquerentur; sed respondere datum est, quod hoc illis permittatur, ob causam, ut sciam quales sunt, et cur in inferno sunt, et quod hoc sit secundum vitam eorum: etiam dicere datum est, quod plures inter illos essent, quos cognoveram cum vixerunt in mundo, et quod quidam eorum tunc in magna dignitate constituti fuerint, quibus tunc nihil nisi quam mundus cordi fuit: sed quod nusquam aliquis malus spiritus, etiam maxime infernalis, mihi damnum inferre possit, quia continue tutatus a Domino.

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