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《宇宙星球》 第94节

(一滴水译本 2020)





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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 94

94. I saw a flame, as beautiful as could be. Its color varied-it had purple in it, and also red with bright areas, and the colors were sparkling because of the flame. I also saw a kind of hand to which the flame was clinging, first to the back of the hand, then to its cupped palm, after which the flame was licking the hand all around. This lasted for some time. Then the hand and the flame moved some distance away, and there was a brightness where it stopped. In that brightness the hand retreated, at which point the flame changed into a bird whose colors at first were like those of the flame and glistened in a similar way. Gradually, though, the colors changed, and as they did, so did the liveliness of the bird. It flew around, first circling my head and then flying forward into a kind of narrow chamber that looked like a shrine; but the farther forward it flew, the more its life drained away. Eventually it turned to stone, initially with a pearly color and then dark, but even though it had no life anymore, it still kept flying.

[2] Back when the bird was flying around my head and was still in the full flush of life, I saw a spirit coming up from below, through the region of the groin to the region of the chest. From that location he started trying to snatch the bird away. But since it was so beautiful, the spirits around me blocked him, because they were all transfixed, looking at the bird. However, the spirit who had come up from below argued forcefully that the Lord was with him and that he was therefore doing this on the Lord’s behalf. Even though most of them did not believe this, they no longer blocked him from taking away the bird; but since heaven flowed in at that moment, he could not keep hold of it, but soon released it from his hand and let it go free.

[3] When this was over, the spirits around me, who had been very closely watching the bird and the successive changes it went through, talked with each other about what had happened, and their discussion continued for a remarkable length of time. They were aware that a vision like this had to mean something heavenly. They knew that anything flamelike means heavenly love and the feelings that come from it, that the hand to which the flame was clinging means life and its power, and that changes in color mean variations in the wisdom and intelligence present in that life. They also knew that birds mean much the same thing, the main difference being that a flame means heavenly love and the feelings that come from it, while birds mean spiritual love and the feelings that come from that (heavenly love is love for the Lord; spiritual love is caring about one’s neighbor). 1They knew that changes in the bird’s color and also in its liveliness until it turned to stone mean successive changes in understanding and their consequent impact on spiritual life.

[4] They also knew that the spirits who come up from below through the region of the groin to the region of the chest are completely convinced that they are one with the Lord and therefore believe that everything they do, even if it is evil, is done in accord with the Lord’s will.

Nonetheless, these spirits could not figure out which people were meant by the vision. Eventually they were told by a heavenly source that it was in reference to inhabitants of Mars. The flame that was clinging to the hand was a symbol for the many inhabitants who were still devoted to heavenly love. When the bird to begin with was in all its multicolored glory and in the full flush of life, it was a symbol for the inhabitants there who were devoted to spiritual love; but when the bird became stony and lifeless and when its color eventually darkened, it became a symbol for the inhabitants who had distanced themselves from doing good actions out of love and were instead engaged in evil, but in spite of that still believed that they were one with the Lord. The spirit who came up and tried to take away the bird meant much the same.


1. [Swedenborg note] See note a on 85.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 94

94. I saw a most beautiful flaming object, of varying colour, purple then changing from white to red. The flame gave the colours a most beautiful reddish tinge. I also saw a hand to which this flaming object adhered, at first to the back of the hand, then to the palm or hollow of the hand, from where it licked all round. This lasted for some time; then the hand together with the flaming object moved off to a distance, and filled the place where it stopped with light. The hand receded in this bright area, and then the flaming object turned into a bird. To begin with the bird had the same colours as the flame and its colours glittered in the same way, but then they underwent a series of changes, and as they changed, so did the bird's liveliness. It flew around, first round my head, then ahead of me into a narrow room which resembled a shrine. The further it flew ahead, the more its liveliness declined, until at last it was turned to stone. At first its colour was like pearl, but later dark; and for all that it was lifeless, it could still fly.

[2] While this bird was flying round my head and was still lively, a spirit was seen rising up from below through the region of the loins as far as the chest. He wanted to take the bird away, but because it was so beautiful, the spirits around me prevented him, for they all had their gaze fixed on it. But the spirit who had come up insistently persuaded them that he had the Lord with him, and was acting on His instructions. Although most of them did not believe this, they stopped preventing him from taking away the bird. But at that instant an influence from heaven forced him to let go, and he quickly let it fly free from his hand.

[3] After this incident the spirits around me, who had watched the bird and its successive changes intently, discussed it among themselves for quite a long time. They perceived that such a vision must certainly have some heavenly meaning. They knew that something flaming means celestial love and its affections; the hand to which it adhered means life and the power of life; the changes of colour, variations in life as regards wisdom and intelligence. A bird has a similar meaning, with the difference that something flaming means celestial love and what is to do with it, a bird spiritual love and what is to do with that. (Celestial love is love to the Lord, spiritual love is charity towards the neighbour.) 1The bird's changes in colour and liveliness, until it was turned to stone, mean successive changes in spiritual life as regards intelligence.

[4] They also knew that spirits who come up through the region of the loins to that of the chest cling obstinately to the false belief that they are in the Lord, so that they believe that everything they do, however wicked, is done with the Lord's consent. However, this was not enough to let them know who it was that were meant by this vision. They were eventually informed from heaven that the inhabitants of Mars were meant. Their celestial love, which many of them still retain, was meant by the flaming object which adhered to the hand. The bird to begin with, when its colours were at their loveliest and its liveliness most vigorous, meant their spiritual love. However, when the bird was turned to stone and became lifeless, eventually turning a dark colour, this meant the inhabitants of that world who departed from the good of love and are devoted to evil, while still believing that they are in the Lord. The spirit who rose up and wanted to carry off the bird had a similar meaning.


1. The first and most ancient church in this world was a celestial church, the leading one of all (Arcana Caelestia 607, 895, 920, 1121-1124, 2896, 4493, 8891, 9942, 10545). A church is called celestial when its principal feature is love to the Lord, but spiritual when its principal feature is charity towards the neighbour and faith (Arcana Caelestia 3691, 6435, 9468, 9680, 9683, 9780).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 94

94. I saw a most beautiful flame of varying color, purple, and also bright red, and the colors with a beautiful ruddy glow from the flame. I also saw a certain hand, to which this flame adhered, at first on the back, afterward in the palm, and thence it played round the hand on all sides. This lasted for some little time. Then the hand with its flamy light was removed to a distance, and where it rested there was a bright light. In that brightness the hand receded, and then the flame was changed into a bird, which at first was of the same colors as the flame, and the colors glittering in like manner; but gradually the colors were changed, and with the colors the vigor of life in the bird. It flew round about and at first around my head, then forward into a certain narrow chamber, which appeared like a shrine; and as it flew farther forward, so its life receded, till at length it became as of stone, at first of a pearl color, afterward dark; but though without life, it was still flying. When the bird was flying around my head and was still in the vigor of life, a spirit was seen rising from below through the region of the loins to the region of the breast, who wished to take the bird away. But because it was so beautiful, the spirits around me prevented him; for their eyes were all fastened on it. The spirit however who rose up from below, endeavored strongly to persuade them that the Lord was with him, and thus that he did this from the Lord. And then, though most of them did not believe this, they no longer prevented him from taking away the bird. But as heaven flowed in at that moment, he could not hold it, and presently let it go free out of his hand. When this was done, the spirits around me who had intently watched the bird and its successive changes, spoke with one another about it, and this for a considerable time. They perceived that such a sight could not but signify something celestial. They knew that the flame signified celestial love and its affections; that the hand to which the flame adhered, signified life and its power; the changes of colors, varieties of life as to wisdom and intelligence; and the bird also the same, but with the difference that the flame signified celestial love and the things of that love, and the bird signified spiritual love and the things of that love (celestial love is love to the Lord, and spiritual love charity toward the neighbor), and that the changes of the colors and at the same time of the life in the bird, until it became as of stone, signified successive changes of spiritual life as to intelligence. They knew also that spirits who ascend from below through the region of the loins to the region of the breast, are in a strong persuasion that they are in the Lord, and hence believe that all things they do, even though evil, they do by the Lord's will. But yet they could not know from this who were meant by this appearance. At length they were instructed from heaven that the inhabitants of Mars were meant, that their celestial love, in which very many still are, was signified by the flame which adhered to the hand, and that the bird in the beginning, when in the beauty of its colors and the vigor of its life, signified their spiritual love; but that the bird's becoming as of stone without life, and at length of a dark color, signified such of the inhabitants as have removed themselves from the good of love and are in evil, and yet still believe that they are in the Lord. The same was signified by the spirit who rose up and wished to take away the bird.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 94 (original Latin)

94. Videbam flammeum quoddam pulcherrimum; erat varii coloris, purpureum, tum ex candido rubescens, colores etiam ex flamma pulchre rutilabant: quandam etiam manum videbam, cui flammeum hoc adhaesit, primum inversae ejus parti, postea palmae seu volae, et inde lambebat manum circumcirca: hoc aliquanto tempore perstitit: dein manus haec cum flammeo removebatur ad distantiam, et ubi substitit, erat lucidum; in lucido illo recessit manus; et tunc flammeum illud mutabatur in Avem, quae principio erat similibus coloribus cum flammeo, et colores similiter coruscabant, sed colores illi successive mutati sunt, et cum coloribus vitae vigor in Ave: volabat circumcirca, et primum circum caput meum, dein antrorsum in angustum quoddam conclave, quod apparebat instar adyti, et sicut volabat antrorsum magis ita vita recessit, et facta est demum lapidea; primum tunc colore margaritico, postea obscuro; sed tametsi absque vita, usque volabat. Cum avis illa volabat circum caput, et adhuc in vitae vigore erat, visus est spiritus ex inferiori per regionem lumborum ad regionem pectoris assurgens, is inde volebat auferre avem illam; sed quia tam pulchra erat, spiritus, qui circum me, inhibebant, visum enim suum in illa omnes tenebant: sed spiritus ille, qui ex inferiori assurrexit, fortiter illis persuasit, quod apud illum esset Dominus, et sic quod ex Domino id ageret; hoc tametsi plerique non credebant, usque tamen non amplius inhibebant, quin auferret Avem: at quia eo momento influebat coelum, non potuit retinere illam, sed mox remisit e manu liberam. Cum hoc peractum est, Spiritus qui circum me, qui Avem illam et successivas ejus mutationes intense sunt intuiti, de illa inter se loquebantur, et hoc per insigne tempus: percipiebant quod tale visum non potuerit non quam Coeleste quoddam significare; sciebant quod flammeum significet amorem coelestem et ejus affectiones; quod manus, cui flammeum adhaerebat, vitam et ejus potentiam; colorum mutationes, vitae varietates quoad sapientiam et intelligentiam; simile etiam Avis, sed cum differentia quod flammeum significet amorem coelestem et quae illius amoris sunt, et quod Avis significet amorem spiritualem et quae illius amoris sunt; (Amor coelestis est amor in Dominum, et Amor spiritualis est Charitas erga proximum) 1et quod mutationes colorum et simul vitae in Ave, usque dum facta lapidea, significet mutationes successivas vitae spiritualis quoad intelligentiam: sciebant etiam, quod spiritus, qui ex inferiori per regionem lumborum ad regionem pectoris ascendunt, in forti persuasivo sint, quod in Domino sint, et inde credant, quod omnia quae faciunt, etiamsi mala, volente Domino faciant. Sed tamen non inde scire potuerunt, quinam per Visum hoc intelligerentur: tandem instructi sunt e coelo, quod incolae Martis intellecti sint; quod coelestis eorum amor, in quo adhuc plures sunt, significatus sit per flammeum quod adhaesit manui; et quod avis in principio, cum in pulchritudine colorum suorum ac in vigore vitae suae esset, significaret amorem illorum spiritualem: quod autem avis illa facta sit sicut lapidea ac nullius vitae, et tandem coloris obscuri, quod id significaret incolas, qui a bono amoris se removerunt, ac in malo sunt, et tamen usque credunt quod sint in Domino; simile significatum est per spiritum, qui assurgebat, et auferre volebat avem.


1. [NCBSP: In the Latin text, Swedenborg's footnote here refers back to footnote 1 of section 85.]

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