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《宇宙星球》 第98节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 98

98. The inhabitants of that planet are profoundly humble in their worship because in that context they think of themselves as nothing. They worship our Lord and acknowledge him as the only God. Further, the Lord sometimes appears to them in the form of an angel and therefore as human; and when this happens divinity shines forth from his face and moves their lower minds.

When the inhabitants come of age they talk with spirits, and the spirits teach them about the Lord, about how to worship, and about how to live.

When others try to lead the spirits from that planet astray and tear them away from their faith in the Lord, from their humble attitude toward him, and from their upright way of living, they say they want to die. Small knives then appear in their hands, with which they seem to be trying to stab themselves in the chest. When they are asked why they are doing this, they say they would rather die than be taken away from the Lord. Sometimes spirits from our planet make fun of them because of this and harass these upright spirits for behaving this way. The spirits reply, though, that they know perfectly well they are not actually killing themselves. This is just a projection that flows from what their lower mind desires: that they would rather die than be drawn away from their worship of the Lord.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 98

98. They are very humble in their worship, for they regard themselves as worthless in this respect. They worship our Lord, and acknowledge Him as the One and Only God. The Lord actually appears to them from time to time in the form of an angel, that is, as a man; and then His Divinity shines out from His face, and affects their minds. The inhabitants also speak with spirits, when they are old enough; the spirits teach them about the Lord, how He should be worshipped, and how they ought to live.

Whenever anyone wants to mislead the spirits from there, seducing them from their belief in the Lord, or from their self-abasement before Him and from uprightness of life, they say they want to die. Then there are to be seen in their hands small knives, with which they seem intent on striking their chests. On being asked why they do this, they reply that they would rather die than be taken away from the Lord. The spirits of our world sometimes make fun of them on this account, and heap insults on them for behaving like that. But then they reply that they are perfectly well aware that they are not killing themselves, but that this is merely an appearance arising from their intention, which makes them prefer death to being prevented from worshipping the Lord.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 98

98. In worship they are exceedingly humble, for in it they account themselves as nothing. They worship our Lord, and acknowledge Him as the only God. The Lord also appears to them at times under an angelic form, and thereby as a Man, and the Divine then shines forth from the face and affects the mind. The inhabitants also, when they arrive at a certain age, speak with spirits, by whom they are instructed concerning the Lord, how He ought to be worshiped, and likewise how they ought to live. When any wish to seduce the spirits who come from the earth Saturn, and to withdraw them from faith in the Lord, or from humiliation towards Him, and from uprightness of life, they say they wish to die. There then appear in their hands small knives, with which they seem desirous of striking their breasts. On being questioned why they do so, they say that they would rather die than be drawn away from the Lord. The spirits of our earth sometimes deride them on this account, and infest them with reproaches for so doing. But they reply, that they know well that they do not kill themselves, and that this is only an appearance flowing from the will of their mind, inclining them rather to die than to be withdrawn from the worship of the Lord.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 98 (original Latin)

98. In cultu sunt perquam humiles, nam in illo se pro nihilo aestimant. Colunt Dominum nostrum, et Ipsum pro unico Deo agnoscunt: Dominus etiam apparet quandoque illis sub forma angelica, et sic ut Homo, et tunc Divinum elucet ex facie, et afficit animum. Incolae etiam, cum ad aetatem perveniunt, loquuntur cum Spiritibus, a quibus instruuntur de Domino, et quomodo colendus, tum quomodo vivendum. Quando aliqui volunt spiritus, qui inde, seducere, et a fide in Dominum abstrahere, aut ab humiliatione erga Ipsum, et a probitate vitae, dicunt se mori velle; apparent tunc in manibus illorum parvi cultri, per quos pectora sua percutere velle videntur: cum interrogantur cur ita faciunt, dicunt quod potius mori velint, quam abduci a Domino; spiritus nostrae Telluris quandoque irrident illos propterea, et infestant probris quod ita faciant; sed tunc respondent, se probe scire quod semet non interimant, sed quod hoc solum apparentia sit effluens ex voluntate animi eorum, quod potius mori velint, quam abstrahi a cultu Domini.

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