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《宇宙星球》 第99节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 99

99. They said that sometimes spirits from our planet come to them and ask what God they worship. They reply that the ones posing this question must be crazy. There could be nothing more insane than to ask what God someone worships when there is only one God for everyone in the universe; and they are even more insane for not saying that the Lord is that only God. He rules the whole heaven and therefore also rules the whole world; whoever rules heaven also rules the world because the world is ruled through heaven. 1


1. For Swedenborg’s description of how the Lord rules heaven, and rules people in the world through and from heaven, see Divine Providence 162-164. See also Secrets of Heaven 2026:2, 4523-4524, 9278. [LSW]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 99

99. They related that sometimes they are visited by spirits from our world, who ask them what God they worship. Their reply is that their questioners must be mad, and there can be no greater madness than to ask what God anyone worships, seeing that there is one sole God for all in the universe; and it is even more madness not to say that the Lord is that sole God, who controls the whole heaven and so the whole world. For the controller of heaven is also the controller of the world, since the world is controlled by means of heaven.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 99

99. They said that sometimes spirits from our earth come to them, and ask them what God they worship; to whom they reply, that they are insane, and that there cannot be a greater proof of insanity than to ask what God any one worships, when there is but one only God for all in the universe; and that they are still more insane in this, that they do not acknowledge the Lord to be that one only God, and that He rules the entire heaven, and thereby the whole world; for whosoever rules heaven also rules the world, inasmuch as the world is ruled through heaven.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 99 (original Latin)

99. Dicebant, quod aliquoties ad illos veniant spiritus a nostra Tellure, qui eos quaerunt, quem Deum colunt, quibus respondent, quod insaniant, et quod major insania non possit esse quam quaerere quem Deum aliquis colit, cum tamen est unicus Deus omnibus in universo, et quod adhuc magis insaniant in eo, quod non dicant Dominum esse unicum illum Deum; et quod is regat universum coelum, et inde universum mundum; nam qui regit coelum, etiam regit mundum, quia mundus regitur per coelum.

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