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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第67节




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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 67

67. The interpretation is as follows:

The ram that had two tall horns, the taller of which rose up behind [the other], means people devoted to a faith prompted by caring.

With its horn the ram pushed westward, northward, and southward means the scattering of what is evil and false.

Its becoming enormous means growth.

The goat that came from the west across the surface of the whole earth means people devoted to a faith divorced from caring and their invasion of the church (the west is the evil of the earthly self).

Its having a horn between its eyes means intellectual pride.

Its charging at the ram in the fury of its strength means a violent attack against caring and its faith.

Its breaking the ram’s two horns and casting the ram to the ground and trampling it means its complete scattering of both caring and faith, since scattering either one is scattering the other—they make a single entity.

The large horn of the goat being broken means the end of the illusion of intellectual pride.

The four horns springing up in its place means using the literal meaning of the Word for support.

A little horn coming out of one of them means the claim that no one can fulfill the law or do any good on his or her own.

Its growing tremendously toward the south, toward the dawn, and toward the glory means a consequent rebelliousness throughout the whole church.

Doing this even to the host of the heavens, and casting down some of the host and some of the stars and trampling them means in this way destroying all awareness of what is good and true, the very substance of caring and faith.

Even exalting itself toward the Leader of the Host, taking the daily offerings away from him and casting down the dwelling place of his sanctuary means that this entailed the ravaging of every aspect of the worship of the Lord and every aspect of his church.

Casting truth to the ground means the distortion of the truth of the Word.

Until the evening [and] the morning: then the holy place will be set right means the end of that church and the beginning of a new one.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 67

67. Following here is an explanation of the foregoing verses:

"A ram which had two high horns…, the higher (of which) came up last," symbolizes people whose faith springs from charity.

"With the horn it struck to the west, to the north, and to the south" symbolizes the dispersal of evil and falsity.

"And became great" symbolizes the people’s increase.

"A male goat come from the west, across the surface of the whole earth," symbolizes people whose faith is divorced from charity, and their invasion of the church. The west is the evil inherent in the natural self.

"(Which) had a…horn between its eyes" symbolizes their own inherent intelligence.

"It ran at the ram…with savage force" symbolically means that they forcefully attacked charity and its accompanying faith.

"And broke [the ram’s] two horns…and cast it to the ground and trampled it" symbolically means that they completely dispelled both charity and faith; for someone who dispels the one, also dispels the other, inasmuch as the two go together.

"The (goat’s) large horn was broken" symbolically means that their own intelligence was not apparent.

"In place of it four horns came up" symbolizes applications of the Word’s literal sense in confirmation.

"Out of one of them came a little horn" symbolizes the argument that no one can fulfill the Law and do good of himself.

"(A horn) which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the beautiful [land]," symbolizes a resulting insurrection against everything connected with the church.

"To the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars…and trampled them." This symbolically means that in doing so they destroyed all concepts of goodness and truth that had to do with charity and faith.

"He…exalted himself to the Prince of the host; and from Him the continual [sacrifice] was taken away, and the habitation of His sanctuary was cast down." This symbolically means that as a result they annihilated everything having to do with worship of the Lord and with His church.

"It cast truth to the ground" symbolically means that they falsified the Word’s truths.

"…the evening [and] morning, (when) the sanctuary shall be made right," symbolizes the end of their church and the beginning of a new one.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 67

67. The explanation of these verses is as follows:

The ram which had two high horns, of which the higher came up last, signifies those who are in faith originating in charity.

With the horn he pushed westward, northward and southward, signifies the dispersion of evil and falsity. And became great, signifies increase.

A he-goat coming from the west, on the face of the whole earth, signifies those who are in faith separated from charity, and the invasion of the Church by them. The west denotes the evil of the natural man. Which had a horn between his eyes, signifies self-intelligence.

And he ran unto the ram in the fury of his power, signifies that he vehemently attacked charity and its faith.

And brake his two horns, and cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him, signifies that he completely dispersed both charity and faith; for he who disperses the one disperses the other also, because they form one.

The great horn of the he-goat was broken, signifies that there was no appearance of self-intelligence. And in its place came up four horns, signifies application of the sense of the Letter of the Word in confirmation.

Out of one of them came forth a little horn, signifies the reasoning that no one can fulfil the Law and do good, of himself. That horn increased toward the south, toward the east and toward the pleasant [land], signifies insurrection by it against all things of the Church.

And even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host, and some of the stars, and stamped upon them, signifies destruction in this way of all the cognitions of good and truth which related to charity and faith.

He magnified himself even to the Prince of the host, and from Him was taken away the daily sacrifice, and the place of His sanctuary, signifies that thus were laid waste all things relating to the worship of the Lord and to His Church.

Because he cast down the truth to the ground, signifies that this principle falsified the truths of the Word.

By evening and morning, when the sanctuary shall be cleansed, is signified the end of that Church and the beginning of a new Church.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 67

67. The exposition of the foregoing prophetic utterances is as follows:

The "ram that had two high horns, the higher of which came up last," signifies those who are in faith from charity; his "pushing with it westward, northward, and southward," signifies the dispersing of what is evil and false; his "magnifying himself," signifies growth; the "he-goat coming from the west over the faces of the whole earth," signifies those who are in faith separated from charity, and the invasion of the church by them; the "west" being the evil of the natural man; that "had a horn between his eyes," signifies self-intelligence; that he "ran at the ram with the fury of his strength," signifies impetuously attacking charity and the faith of charity; that he "broke the ram's two horns, cast him down to the earth, and trampled upon him," signifies scattering to the winds both charity and faith, for whoever does this to charity does it to faith also, because these make a one; that the "great horn of the he-goat was broken," signifies the non-appearing of self-intelligence that "instead of it there came up four horns," signifies applications of the sense of the letter of the Word by way of confirmation; and that "out of one of them there came forth a little horn," signifies an argumentation that no one is able of himself to fulfill the law, and do what is good; that "this horn grew toward the south, toward the sunrise, and toward the beauteous land," signifies a rising up thereby against all things of the church; "and into the army of the heavens, and he cast down some of the army, and of the stars, and trampled upon them," signifies the destruction in this manner of all the knowledges of good and truth pertaining to charity and faith; that he "exalted himself to the prince of the army, and from him was taken away the continual sacrifice, and the dwelling-place of his sanctuary," signifies that in this way this principle ravaged all things that pertain to the worship of the Lord and to His church; that he "cast down the truth to the earth," signifies that it falsified the truths of the Word; "evening morning, when the holy place shall be made righteous," signifies the end of that church, and the beginning of a new one.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 67 (original Latin 1763)

67. Explicatio illorum haec est:- "Aries," cui duo cornua alta, quorum altius ascendit posterius, significat illos qui in fide ex charitate sunt: quod "cornu feriret versus occidentem, septentrionem et meridiem," significat dissipationem mali et falsi: quod "magnum se faceret," significat incrementum: "hircus veniens ab occidente super facies totius terrae," significat illos qui in fide separata a charitate sunt, ac invasionem ecclesiae ab illis; "occidens" est malum naturalis hominis; "cui cornu inter oculos," significat propriam intelligentiam: quod "cucurrerit ad arietem cum furore roboris," significat quod vehementer impugnaverit charitatem et ejus fidem: quod fregerit duo cornua ejus, projecerit eum in terram, et conculcaverit eum," significat quod prorsus disperserit et charitatem et fidem, nam qui unam etiam alteram dispergit, unum enim faciunt: quod "fractum sit cornu magnum hirci," significat non apparentiam propriae intelligentiae: quod "loco ejus ascenderint quatuor cornua," significat applicationes sensus litterae Verbi ad confirmandum: quod "ex uno eorum exiret cornu exiguum," significat argumentationem, quod nemo possit implere legem, et facere bonum a se ipso: quod "id cornu creverit versus meridiem, versus ortum et versus decus," significat per id insurrectionem in omnia ecclesiae: "et usque ad exercitum caelorum, et dejecit de exercitu, et de stellis, et conculcavit illa," significat sic destructionem omnium cognitionum boni et veri, quae charitatis et fidei essent: quod "extulerit se ad Principem exercitus" et ab Eo sublatum est juge, et habitaculum sanctuarii Ejus," significat quod sic: depopulatus sit omnia cultus Domini et ecclesiae Ipsius: quod "veritatem projecerit in terram," significat quod vera Verbi falsificaverit per "vesperam mane, quando justificabitur sanctum," significatur finis ecclesiae istius, et principium novae."

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