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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第66节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 66

66. It is obvious that this vision is predicting future states of the church, since it says that the goat took the daily offerings away from the Leader of the Host, that it cast down the dwelling place of his sanctuary, and that it cast truth to the ground. It also says that a holy one said, “How long will this vision last concerning the daily offerings and this destructive sinning, the trampling of the holy place and the host?” and that this would continue until the evening and the morning: then the holy place will be set right. Evening serves to mean the end of a church when there must be a new one.

The kings of Media and Persia later in this chapter [Daniel 8:20] mean much the same as the ram, and the king of Greece means much the same as the goat, because in the Word the names of realms, nations, and peoples, as well as those of persons and places, mean matters of heaven and the church.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 66

66. It is clearly apparent that this vision foretells future states of the church, for we are told that the continual sacrifice was taken away from the Prince of the host, that the habitation of His sanctuary was cast down, and that the goat cast truth to the ground. We are told as well that the holy one spoke, saying, "How long will this vision be, the continual sacrifice and the ruinous transgression, so that the sanctuary and the host are given to be trampled on?" And that this would be until evening [and] morning, when the sanctuary would be made right. For evening means the end of the church, when there would be a new one.

After that, in the same chapter, the kings of Media and Persia have the same meaning as the ram, and the king of Greece the same meaning as the goat. For in the Word, the names of kingdoms, nations and peoples, and of persons and places, symbolize matters having to do with heaven and the church.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 66

66. It is clearly evident that this vision foretells future states of the Church. For it is said that the daily sacrifice was taken away from the Prince of the host, that the habitation of His sanctuary was cast down, and that the he-goat cast down the truth to the earth; also that the saint said, How long shall be this vision, the daily sacrifice, and the wasting transgression, to give the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? and that it was until the evening and the morning when the sanctuary will be cleansed. For by evening is meant the end of the Church, when there will be a new Church.

The same is meant later in that chapter by the kings of Media and Persia, as by the ram; and the same by the king of Greece, as by the he-goat. For the names of kingdoms, nations and peoples, as also of persons and places, in the Word, signify things relating to heaven and the Church.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 66

66. It is very evident that this vision foretells future states of the church, for it is said that the continual sacrifice was taken away from the prince of the army, that the dwelling-place of his sanctuary was cast down, and that the he-goat cast down the truth to the earth, besides that a holy one said, "How long shall be this vision, the continual sacrifice, and the wasting transgression, that the holy place and the army shall be given to be trampled upon?" and that the answer was, "Until evening morning; then shall the holy place be made righteous;" for "evening" means the end of the church when there will be a new church. The "kings of Media and Persia," spoken of in the same chapter, mean the same as the "ram;" and the "king of Greece" means the same as the "he-goat." For the names of the kings, nations, and peoples, and also those of persons and places, mentioned in the Word, signify the things of heaven and of the church.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 66 (original Latin 1763)

66. Quod visio illa praedicat status ecclesiae futuros, patet manifeste; nam dicitur quod "a Principe exercitus sublatum sit juge," "projectum habitaculum sanctuarii Ejus," et quod "hircus projecerit veritatem in terram:" tum quod "Sanctus dixerit, Quousque visio haec, juge et praevaricatio vastans, ut detur sanctum et exercitus conculcatio?" et quod hoc esset "ad vesperam mane, quando justificabitur sanctum:" per "vesperam" enim intelligitur finis ecclesiae quando nova erit. Simile postea in eo capite per "reges Mediae et Persiae" intelligitur, quod per "arietem;" et simile per "regem Graeciae" quod per "hircum;" nam nomina regnorum, gentium et populorum, tum personarum et locorum, in Verbo significant res caeli, et ecclesiae.

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