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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第71节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 71

71. In this world, we cannot believe that this is in fact the case, because when people are convinced of things that are false they cannot help but see those false things as true and find little point in knowing more than what their faith tells them. Further, their faith is divorced from their intellect. That is, it is a blind faith, so they ask no questions; and this subject can be explored only on the basis of the Word as understood through enlightenment. This means that the truths the Word contains are turned into falsities by their thinking “faith” when they see “love,” “repentance,” “the forgiveness of sins,” and many other words that concern things that we need to do.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 71

71. The reality of this is impossible for people in the world to believe, since people caught up in falsities have no other sight than that their falsities are true, and it is of no moment to them to know more than what their faith teaches. Their faith, moreover, does not involve the intellect, for it is a blind faith, and so they do not inquire further. Nor can this be inquired into other than from the Word by means of an enlightened intellect. Consequently they turn the truths that the Word contains into falsities, thinking "faith" whenever they see love, repentance, forgiveness of sins, and more mentioned as things they are to put into practice.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 71

71. That this is the case cannot be believed by them when in the world; because they who are in falsities see no other than that falsities are truths; and they think it is of no great consequence to know anything more than what relates to their own faith. Their faith is separated from their understanding, for it is a blind faith: and, therefore, they make no inquiries. This, moreover, is a matter that can only be inquired into from the Word by means of an enlightenment of the understanding. Therefore, the truths which are in the Word they turn into falsities by thinking of faith when they see mention made of love, repentance, remission of sins, and many other things which are related to a man's actions.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 71

71. That such is the case cannot be credited by them while they are in the natural world, because those who are in falsities see no otherwise than that falsities are truths, and that it is not a matter of much consequence to know more than what belongs to their faith. And as their faith is divorced from the understanding (for it is a blind faith) they make no investigation into this matter, which is one that can be investigated solely from the Word by the means of an enlightening of the understanding. The truths therefore that are in the Word they turn into falsities by thinking of faith when they see mention made of "love," "repentance," the "remission of sins," and many other things that must belong to action.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 71 (original Latin 1763)

71. Quod ita sit, non credi potest ab illis in mundo; quoniam qui in falsis sunt, non vident aliter quam quod falsa sint vera, et quod plura scire quam quae fidei eorum sunt, tanti non sit; et fides illorum est separata ab intellectu, est enim fides caeca, et ideo non inquirunt; et hoc non aliter inquiri potest quam ex Verbo media illustratione intellectus; quare vera, quae ibi sunt, vertunt in falsa, cogitando fidem ubi vident amorem, paenitentiam, remissionem peccatorum, et plura quae facti erunt.

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