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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第70节



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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 70

70. From time to time I have heard “goats” and “sheep” discussing whether people devoted to a faith divorced from caring have any truth; and since some said they have a great deal, the contested issue was put to a test. They were asked whether they knew what love is, what caring is, and what good is, and since these were things they had divorced themselves from, all they could reply was that they did not know.

They were asked what sin is, what repentance is, and what the forgiveness of sins is. They replied that people who are justified by their faith are forgiven their sins so that their sins will no longer be in evidence. They were told that this is not the truth.

They were asked what regeneration is. They replied that it is either baptism or the forgiveness of sins by means of faith. They were told that this is not the truth.

They were asked what constitutes a spiritual person. They replied that a spiritual person is someone who is “justified by the faith we profess”; but they were told that this is not the truth.

They were asked about redemption, about the union of the Father and the Lord, and about the oneness of God, and they gave answers that are not truths—and so it went.

After the questions and answers, the debate was submitted to judgment; and the decision was that people who had convinced themselves of a faith divorced from caring had no truth whatever.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 70

70. I have several times heard goats and sheep talking together about whether those people possess any truth who have confirmed themselves in a faith divorced from charity. And because the people said that they possess a good deal of truth, the case was put to the test.

The people were asked whether they knew what love, charity and good are; and because these were things they had removed, they could not help but reply that they did not.

They were asked if they knew what sin, repentance, and forgiveness of sins were; and because they replied that sins are forgiven to people justified by faith so that the sins no longer appear, they were told, "That is not true."

On being asked if they knew what regeneration was, they replied that either it is baptism or it is the forgiving of sins through faith. They were told that it was not true.

On being asked what the spiritual person is, they replied that it is someone justified by the faith expressed in their creed. But they were told that this was not true.

They were asked about redemption, the union of the Father and the Lord, and the oneness of God, and they replied with answers that were not true.

And so it went.

Following these questions and answers, the case was ready for the verdict, namely that people who have confirmed themselves in a faith divorced from charity do not possess any truth.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 70

70. I have sometimes heard the goats and the sheep disputing upon this point, Whether they who have confirmed themselves in faith separated from charity, have any truth; and as they said that they had much truth, the matter was examined. They were then questioned whether they knew what love is, what charity is, and what good is; and because these were what they had separated, they could not but answer that they did not know. They were asked, What is sin? What is repentance? and What is the remission of sins? As they answered, that they who are justified by faith have their sins remitted so that these no longer appear, they were told that this is not the truth.

Being asked, What is regeneration? they replied, that it is either baptism, or the remission of sins through faith; but they were told that this is not the truth. When they were asked, What is the spiritual man? they replied, "He is one who is justified by the faith which we profess;" and they were again told that this is not the truth. They were further questioned about redemption, about the union of the Lord and the Father, and about the unity of God; and they gave answers which were not truths. Many other subjects were also mentioned; and after the questions and answers a conclusion was reached. It was, that they who have confirmed themselves in faith separated from charity have not any truth.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 70

70. At times I have heard the goats and the sheep holding a colloquy as to whether those who have confirmed themselves in faith separated from charity possess any truth; and as they said that they possessed a great deal, the matter in dispute was submitted to an examination. They were then questioned as to whether they knew what love is, what charity is, and what good is; and as these were the things that they had set aside, the only reply they could make was that they did not know. They were questioned as to what sin is, as to what repentance is, and what the remission of sins; and as they replied that those who have been justified through faith have their sins remitted so that they no longer appear, it was avouched to them, "This is not the truth." They were questioned as to what regeneration is, and they replied either that it is baptism, or that it is the remission of sins through faith. It was avouched to them that "this is not the truth." They were questioned as to what the spiritual man is, and they replied that it is one who has been justified through the confession of their faith. But it was avouched to them that "this is not the truth." They were questioned concerning redemption, concerning the union of the Father and the Lord, and concerning the unity of God, and they gave answers that were not truths. Not to mention other points concerning which they were questioned. After these interrogatories and the replies, the matter in dispute came to judgment, and the judgment was that those who have confirmed themselves in faith separated from charity do not possess any truth.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 70 (original Latin 1763)

70. Audivi hircos et oves aliquoties de eo collocutos, num illis, qui se confirmaverunt in fide separata a charitate, ulla veritas sit; et quia dixerunt, quod multa sit, lis illa in examen missa est. Et tunc interrogati sunt, num sciant quid amor, quid charitas, et quid bonum; et quia haec erant quae separaverunt, non potuerunt aliter respondere, quam quod non scirent. Interrogati sunt, quid peccatum, quid paenitentia, et quid remissio peccatorum; et quia responderunt quod qui justificati sunt per fidem, illis remissa peccata sint, ut non amplius appareant, dictum est illis, "Haec non veritas sunt." Interrogati quid regeneratio, responderunt quod vel sit baptismus, vel quod sit remissio peccatorum per fidem: dictum illis quod id non veritas sit. Interrogati quid spiritualis homo, responderunt quod sit qui justificatus est per fidem confessionis nostrae: sed dictum illis, quod haec non veritas sit. Interrogati de redemptione, de unione Patris et Domini, deque unitate Dei, et responderunt quae non veritates erant; praeter plura. Post interrogationes et responsa lis ad judicium venit; quod erat, quod illi qui confirmaverunt se in fide separata a charitate non habeant ullam veritatem.

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